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  1. R

    Object Doesn't Support Property or Method...

    Hi All, New to VBA and managed to get this far with some code... Option Compare Database Public Sub RunExcelMacro() Dim wb1 As Object Set wb1 = CreateObject("Excel.Application") With wb1 .Workbooks.Open ("XLS name") .Visible = True .DoCmd.RunMacro...
  2. R

    Requery Form not Working

    Hi All, I have a form that I want "refreshing" i.e. requerying to update the graphs that sit on it. I have the following but for some reason it's not working and I've tried multiple ways to solve - any help would be much appreciated: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Sub...
  3. R

    List Months Based on Start/ End date

    Hi all, I'm trying to create a list of months based on two dates, start and end date. I can't for the life of me work out how to do it! The information the formula would use would be the dates from when a project begins and when a project ends. This would list the months including and...
  4. R

    MS Access - Update Linked Table

    Hi all, I'm building an access DB which has a linked table to excel, which is working and all is fine on that front. What I need to be able to do, is build in functionality that can edit the linked table. As I understand, I can't do this because the data is dependent on the table and...
  5. R

    Is Not Query

    Hi All, I'm trying to run a top 10 query where I ignore the names of 5 people but include the rest. The sql I've got so far is: SELECT TOP 10 Sum([All Combined].SumOfTotalCost) AS SumOfSumOfTotalCost, [All Combined].name FROM [All Combined] WHERE (((Month([Month]))=Month(Now())-1)) and ((([All...
  6. R

    Secondary Y Axis in Form Chart

    Hi All, I'm building a DB chart in a form and I can't for the life of me remember how to add a secondary y axis to a chart. The wizard for 2010 is useless. I'm trying to have the total costs of the X axis values on the left and the total count of the x axis values on the right. Any help...
  7. R

    Access Charts Ignoring Duplicates

    Hi All, Apologies in advance if this is a) the wrong place to post and b) it's been solved - I've looked for 2 days and can't see anything - only how to hide duplicates. I'm creating a spend reporting database that feeds data from excel into an access DB. The link works and the...
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