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  1. B

    reload subform based on listbox

    hi :) I do have a form with listbox I do have a subform which supposed to change following listbox selection I did it by requery everything works well except the loading event of the sub form this event makes fits and changes based on the kind of the record but here, when it's loaded in the...
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    compare two doubles

    hi :) I have two values which are took from one table usl define as double lsl define as double in for, I have a regular text box the user type there his result I want to check if the user value in the text box is between lsl and usl I used with regular "<" ">" but I understand it doesn't...
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    export to excel

    hi, I try write vba for export tables to excel - and I deal with some problems; 1. for every recordset this line works well: WHERE [machinenum]='" & macs & "'macs - it's string and in the origin tables , machinenum is long only 1 recordset "remember" it expects to long and not string and I...
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    compre two date with time

    hi :0 how can I compare two dates but ignore the seconds?! (just the date... hours and minutes) thanks! Ben
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    bring to background

    hi :) I do have one long box (green) and vba which creates of other red short boxes (which represent fail times) i would like to assign the red boxes on the long green box so the green is on the background i understood its problem in access i would like to hear creative ideas how to deal...
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    hi :) I do have combo with two columns the first - it the key value and the second his the title is there any way, when user chose option to save the key value in the database but on the other hand, to show in the combo the title, the second column? thanks!! Ben
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    check for special chars in textbox

    hi :) I understood char like " ' " makes troubles with text box and sql I would like to make a validation function which checks if the textbox contains special chars and asks the user change his input thanks :)
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    "predominant" form

    hi :) there is any way in access make "predominant" pop up form ? I mean when the form pop up, it will came front of all windows which open in the computer (not just access windows)? thanks! Ben
  9. B

    immediately changes in the form

    hi :) I created BeforeUpdate event for "coiltxt" in unbound form (so until user click for saving it, I cant do reqeury): it checks If Not Me.tempcoil.Value = Me.coiltxt.Value Then and if it exists, it runs all over the other textbox and makes them enabled but I found the changes do not...
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    problem with optional parameter

    hi, I made this function: Public Function blokingmain(Optional indexm As Integer) If IsMissing(indexm) Then.... .... and I call this function: call blokingmain but it doesn't make indexm missing it assigns 0 to indexm why? how can I avoid it? thanks Ben
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    hi :) please, what are the most elegant ways to do those? *from now to accept the date for start of the day *from now to accept the date for start of the week *from now to accept the date for start of the month *from now to accept the date for start of the year thanks u Ben
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    show first record per each id

    hi I would like to show for each machinenum and for each ID_task the first (oldest) record by it's duedate_task I don't success do it please your help Ben SELECT tasks_diary.ID_task, first(tasks_diary.duedate_task), tasks.name_task, tasks_diary.machinenum FROM tasks INNER JOIN tasks_diary...
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    Statistics about the code

    hi :) is there any way to achieve statistic about the vba con in vba editor like how much functions, how much code rows etc.. thanks Ben
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    database translation

    hi :) I would like to know .. what is the best and creative way to add translation to other language (if the user chose it) to all database and its forms? I thought something like floating massage when u stand something with the mouse.. I would like hear more ideas thanks ") Ben
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    overlapping filter subform

    hi :) I do have some event event 1 -> filter on condition #1 in addition to what already exists t_event1 -> cancel event 1, but stay the other filters event 2 -> filter on condition #2 in addition to what already exists t_event1 -> cancel event 2, but leave the other filter on subform I...
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    the object is locked warning

    hi :) how can I get rib of this massage: "this object is locked. any changes you make will be discarded when the form is close" I know it.. I want it to be like this ... and I don't get this massage thanks Ben
  17. B

    global array vs dlookup

    hi :) I do have a table with technical parameters which defined by the admin Most of my dlookup functions are to this table and I wonder what is the best way to retrieve information for it (memory space and run time aspects) maybe to stay dlookup way like it's now, or to pass all this table...
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    after/before update txtbox

    hi , I have this sub: Private Sub mach_2_AfterUpdate() If Me.ex2 .value= 99999 And Not Me.mach_2.Value = 0 Then If msgzeropro = 0 Then Me.mach_2.Value = 0 Exit Sub Else Me.ex2.Value = msgzeropro End If End If Call colordec(2) End Sub when msgzeropro and colordec are functions this sub...
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    hi, I have this assignment: msgzeropro = Nz(InputBox(Message, Title), 0) if the user clicked on canceled , I got error type mismatch how can I avoid it? in addition I would like catch the knowledge if he clicked cancel for the last code. thanks Ben
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    date format problem

    hi :( I do have queries which add date in this format: ", #" & Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss") & "#," but in the tables I see it as mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss i'm begging - how can I fix it and avoid it when use in any computer? thanks Ben
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