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  1. D

    Many to Many Question Regarding Normalization

    I use Access as my frontend and MySQL as back end. I have a main table called client t1. Clients have many Accounts t2 (1:M) between t1 and t2. The accounts have Creditors t3 -technically a (Many Accounts :Many Creditors) relationship between t2 and t3. Between the accounts and creditors...
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    Solved A way to select all form objects and export to a spreadsheet or copy

    Hello. Does anyone know of a way to select all the objects in Access and then export the names of the forms to a spreadsheet. One can be selected but if you go to multiples you lose the export capability and copy and paste doesn't seem to work either. Any Ideas? Thanks.
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    Open menu - looping until closed

    Hello. I have a main menu that has these three things on it: 1) a tunnel status, 2) an ADO state connection and 3) a set of buttons tied to role with case statement based on temp vars. The code I have is hanging up (not responding) - I believe I am close but it still needs some refining. If...
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    No record yet for dsum process

    Hello. I have a database that will have the following scenario: a form will check to see if a record exists in a table as part of a calculation nz(dsum function). When no record exists yet (and this will happen) I was getting an error. I have built a workaround with a trigger. The trigger...
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    Solved check ssh tunnel status for live connection in vba

    Hello. I am in need of finding a solution to the following problem: I am running a batch file to create a secure tunnel SSH in command line upon login via code. Once the tunnel is established, I want to check that connection. If that connection is "established" or live for that user, I want then...
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    DLookup help

    Hello. The Dlookup below works but does not seem to distinguish between the (1,4,5) [tblSubject_SubjectCode] criteria. Do I have the syntax right for this? I am looking for any of the three - it could be literally a 1 or 4 or 5 in that field. Any help with this would be appreciated ...
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    Group by issue with T4 statement

    Hello. The included query runs fine up to the Is Null statement. I am adding the T4 statement and getting a group by error. The trouble is with the Last Statement! Any help to straighten it out would be appreciated. Thanks. UPDATE tblDebtAccountNumber SET fldSOI = "0" WHERE...
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    DLookup criteria help ...

    Hello. I have the following dlookup scenario: =Nz(DLookUp("[DocNumber]","tblDocuments","[tblClients_fldDRCClientID]=" & [Forms]![frmScreen_SubformTestingPB]![MeFKID] & "And [RelatedDebtAcctNo] = [Forms]![frmScreen_SubformTestingPB]![txtAcctNumber]" & "And [tblSubject_SubjectCode] In ('1'...
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    Help converting working SQL into Access Query

    The following SQL works on the backend. I cannot get the syntax right so it executes in Access. Any help to convert would be appreciated - thanks. UPDATE tblDebtAccountNumber SET fldSOI = "1" WHERE ((tblDebtAccountNumber.fldRecordStatus)="Negotiations" Or...
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    Update fldSOI to 1 based on calcs - need some help

    Looking for some feedback on how to structure this so it can be run as a daily update autoexec query: Goal is to update fldSOI to "1" where the calculations result in TRUE Zero is the default for fldSOI UPDATE tblDebtAccountNumber SET fldSOI = "1" where ( SELECT...
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    Alternative to trigger - back end mysql

    UPDATE usermanagement SET usermanagement.tblClients_fldDRCClientID = ( SELECT MAX(fldDRCClientID) AS MaxOffldDRCClientID FROM tblClients ) ORDER BY id DESC limit 1; the query above works but I have an event related issue. T1 triggers to T2 and I can't place this on T2 (as a new trigger)...
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    mySQL Procedure to update another Table after insert

    Hello, I have two tables, T1 and T2 T1 gets records created off the web via sql through php and that table triggers a copy to T2. I then need T2 to send its PK back to T1 as an update to a field there to be used as a fk for future queries. I am looking at setting up a procedure to do this in...
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    mySQL Procedure to update Table after insert

    Hello, I have two tables, T1 and T2 T1 gets records created off the web via sql through php and that table triggers a copy to T2. I then need T2 to send its PK back to T1 as an update to a field there to be used as a fk for future queries. I am looking at setting up a procedure to...
  14. D

    Loop and test Child records - update parent

    I have been searching to no avail to find a solution to the problem below (please see attachment for more details). Any help is appreciated - air code, referrals to similar solutions, etc. Note: Table A gets a single parent record created and the paid default is false (zero). Table B...
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