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  1. Z

    Remove Carriage Returns/Line Breaks in Field As Soon As Pasted.

    I regularly copy and paste external data into a memo field in my DB. However, this external data always has carriage returns. How can I make it so that AS SOON AS I paste it into the field, the carriage returns are removed? I'd rather the code run as soon as the text is pasted as opposed to an...
  2. Z

    Searching For Text in a Field - Combobox vs Textbox

    I have a single form with 300 records. One the form I have a textbox called FISNumber where I record an identification number. I also have a textbox field called txtSearchFISNum and a button called btnSearchFISNum. I want to be able to type in a number into txtSearchFISNum and press...
  3. Z

    Return without GoSub error

    Hello. Every time I try to open a form in my database I get an error message (see attached image). If I click "OK", my form opens fine and Im able to input data, save, edit, etc. How do I stop this error from happening? The last time I tried to fix it, I was told to...
  4. Z

    Trouble with Aggregate FIRST function and query

    Hello All. I am trying to run a query, but am coming across an anomaly. Before I begin, I would like to ask one thing. I understand that my database may not be designed the best. And I sincerely do appreciate the advice. However, I am not here to make my database fit the proper...
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