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  1. E

    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    sorry Silvia uncertian of what you mean static was a person who I replied too so Im uncertian about the "Using static pic.jpg"?
  2. E

    Using shell in a function

    Well I finally got there correct syntax was Function PlayVlcPlayer(pstrVlcfile As String) Dim strVlcPlayer As String strVlcPlayer = Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\Vlc.exe" & Chr(34) & " --fullscreen " & Chr(34) & pstrVlcfile & Chr(34) Shell strVlcPlayer, vbMaximizedFocus '...
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    Using shell in a function

    Hi Guys I have a working function that plays a movie on a form from which ever selected movies command button is pressed. Function PlayVlcPlayer(pstrVlcfile As String) Dim strVlcPlayer As String strVlcPlayer = Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\Vlc.exe " & Chr(34) Shell...
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    Thank you for that After I delete all the data from the ZHTCalc I still need to run my query before yours for it to work but it works. Before I posted the Thread I had the same update query as yours but with the function RebuildCoverid in it as the SeqID wont work without those fields. The...
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    ok tried that still no luck , got external name not defined so added " " around both and It still hung on the last movieID so I changed the first table to the query name and that got passed it to the last line which gave too few parameters expected 2. anyway im posting a cut down version so...
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    ok I posted 2 pix of the Query Im using that works fine but I need the Seqid dcount formula to write the results into ZHTCalc table field Seqid . the second pix shows the THCalc table or the querys datasheet view but the Seqid field isnt physically written into the field just held in memory...
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    Thanks Wayne but I need to just turn the formula in the query to vba so it writes the results to a table, similar to this one by Uncle Gizmo for the coverID Public Function RebuildCoverid() Dim curDB As DAO.Database Dim CIDSequence As DAO.Recordset Set curDB = CurrentDb Dim strSQL_RSL As...
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    says external name not defined on [CoverID]
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    In the table ZHTCalc are Primary key SortID and CoverID, and the One thats empty SeqId are all set as numbers MovieID is taken from the Movie table and is Primary key set as number. They are used for creating a cross tab query with SeqID as the row heading CoverId as the Column heading and the...
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    Thx I pasted that into a function but it gave a syntax error and stayed red and yes they are both set as numbers in the table.
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    Turn a query Formula into a function

    Hi Guys I need Help to turn this query Formula into a function that saves the results to a table. The table name is ZHTCalc and the field is SeqID. The formula is SeqID: DCount("*","ZHTCalc","CoverID=" & [CoverID] & " AND SortID<" & [MovieID])+1Any Advice would be appreciated
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    I wanted it on a form using vba instead of a cross tab. so I can sort and select each Image as it will be the main view Form. using statics web browser insert would work fine but I know nothing of how to write that code to allow image selection and add more sort options etc. I'm not trying to...
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    The 3 images I uploaded is the working cross tab one Statics with my Images And the Current one Im trying to Get with Vba The current one manages to get 10 different images horizontally but in continuous mode repeats the same 10 but all I used was a list box and 4 lines of code which I hacked...
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    Thanks for that static I havent posted any pics or an example yet as I havent reached 10 posts this is my 10th so I will try and cut down a small working version of what I have and post that. Also I will post Pics as soon as possible.
  15. E

    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    First of all thank you guys for all your help it is mightly appreciated. ridders thanks for your sample database I can see bits and pieces that will help me a lot. when I tried the database with my pictures they appeared all washed out. My cover folder which only has 4000 Covers is already 1.22...
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    In answer to your question static What I have at the moment is the same as your form1 except its 10 columns wide I can click on any cover get that covers plot,actors etc and play that movie. the problem I have is the cross tab temptable has to regenerated each time I wish to sort the form which...
  17. E

    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    Thanks for your reply ridders I would be glad to try if it works on a form, I tried your code and after changing Me. for Forms!Form1b I managed to get it to work buts it displays the same image over and over in continuous mode. But I guess the trick is getting the other horizontal image box to...
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    Thank You static, I found those before but knowing nothing about htm code I was unable to resize the pictures and kept getting a memory exceeded error as I currently have only imputed 4000 of the 10,000 or so records I have. The crosstab method Im using allows me to select any picture and load a...
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    This is the section I used ----------------------------------------------------------- First create a string and make it the row source for a listbox. Create the listbox somewhere on your form but make it invisible. Let's call is lst0...
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    How to display 10 Images horizontally on a continuous form using vba

    I have a form with 10 image boxes side by side set to continuous, I use it to display pictures from a folder. this I've done using a cross tab query to divide the picture column into 10 columns then assign a column to each image box. This works fine but its slow when running the query nearly...
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