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  1. L

    Solved Query to Find Vacant Positions Using Start and End Dates

    Unfortunately the one @arnelgp sent didn't work the way I needed. There are 11 spaces that have had multiple people assigned over time. His Query 3 added five of these (the ones where the first assignment was current but the second was vacant) giving a total of 25 records in the result. The...
  2. L

    Solved Query to Find Vacant Positions Using Start and End Dates

    Thank you. That does exactly what I want. I hadn't thought of the need to do multiple queries to get to the solution to my problem. You have opened my eyes to a new way of thinking about queries. Again, thank you.
  3. L

    Solved Query to Find Vacant Positions Using Start and End Dates

    Thank you for the tip on creating relationships and enforcing referential integrity. I had to add a record to tblSpaces before Access would allow me to do the relationship and enforce referential integrity between tblMMPeople_Spaces and tblSpaces. The query you gave worked in that it pulled...
  4. L

    Solved Query to Find Vacant Positions Using Start and End Dates

    I have a database with the following tables: tblPeople, tblSpaces, and tblMMPeople_Spaces, which is attached. The tblMMPeople_Spaces table is to record assignment of people to authorized space and records the start and end dates of the assignment, if known. If not known, the start or end date...
  5. L

    Solved Filter by date a variable number of days into the future.

    I tried “Me.Filter = "EndDate BETWEEN Date() AND Date() + " & Me.textBoxDays Me.FilterOn = True” in the After Update event for the text box (textBoxDays) and it worked perfectly. I will check out the other options when I get on my computer. Thank you both.
  6. L

    Solved Filter by date a variable number of days into the future.

    I am trying to filter a form that displays data from an employees table. Each employee record has a scheduled departure date: [EndDate]. I want a user to be able enter the number of days into the future that they want to see upcoming departures: textBoxDays. For example, if the user wants to...
  7. L

    Solved ComboBox Blank When Field Contains Data Not In Row Source

    Just involved with government contracting.
  8. L

    Solved ComboBox Blank When Field Contains Data Not In Row Source

    I think I figured it out what the lostfocus code is for. Using "SELECT tblContacts.ContactID, tblContacts.ContactName FROM tblContacts;" as the row source for the ContractingOfficerName ComboBox displays the name of the contact regardless of what is showing in the dropdown list, enabling...
  9. L

    Solved ComboBox Blank When Field Contains Data Not In Row Source

    Thank you. Using "SELECT tblContacts.ContactID, tblContacts.ContactName FROM tblContacts;" as the row source for the ContractingOfficerName ComboBox displays the name of the contact regardless of what is showing in the dropdown list, enabling display of legacy data that is not a current...
  10. L

    Solved ComboBox Blank When Field Contains Data Not In Row Source

    I have a combobox with the following characteristics: Data Control Source: ContractingOfficerName Row Source: qryContacts_KOs Row Source Type: Table/Query Bound Column: 1 (ContactID, autonumber) Limit to List: Yes Allow Value List Edits: Yes List Items Edit Form: Inherit Value List: Yes...
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