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  1. raziel3

    Opening a Report does not make it the current screen

    Hello all, Let me see if I explain this properly. I am opening a report from a Pop up Form (the pop up is set to open as acDialog). The Report, set to open as acWindowNormal, does not become the main window or the current view screen when the pop up closes, I have to click on tab to view it. I...
  2. raziel3

    Prevent Record Cycle or Form Close unless condition is met.

    Hello Everyone, I am halfway there following this suggestion I have an unbounded textbox that calculated the totals between the Parent Form and it's Subform. My form has no buttons to cycle or save, I am using Access's navigation controls...
  3. raziel3

    Solved How to get the Form name that triggered an event.

    I have 3 forms that basically does the same data entry one for Inventory (deInventory), Expenses (deExpenses) and Foreign Purchases (deForeign). I have an event set up on each of them to detect available vendor credits. Private Sub SUBTOTAL_AfterUpdate() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim CreditCheck...
  4. raziel3

    Solved How to Export Current Recordset and remove certain fields to Excel (Field/Column Filtering)

    With a form's recordset, How to export the current viewed recordset. I am using this code but it includes all the form's unbounded fields in the export. Private Sub bntEXPORT2EXCEL_Click() Dim Path As String Dim FileName As String FileName = InputBox("Enter File Name to Save As. (Will be...
  5. raziel3

    Useful TIP-Using <Where> and <Having> in the same query.

    Came across this little tip I never knew about very useful knowledge for people, like me, who uses aggregate queries a lot.
  6. raziel3

    Solved Click Event for part of a TextBox string.

    I am trying to create an OnDouble Click event for the field APPLIED CHQS. If I add a hyperlink to the field the entire string is hyperlinked. I want to be able to click on each on the values that is separated by a comma. For example, the first record, if I click on either 506 or 1199 it opens...
  7. raziel3

    How to Join an Aggregated Query to a Distinct Query

    I am using this Source query I know how to get this unique list query How do I join the last SUPID to my unique query? Like this Edit: Preferably as a single query as I want it to feed a combobox.
  8. raziel3

    Is it possible to Join Queries based on Condition?

    Sometimes I find myself making one or two additional queries before I can get the join I need. I have this sql called PROSOURCE that generates the WEIGHTID for me SELECT COSTCENTRE.CCID, PROBRC.PDATE, PROBRC.QTYP, PROBRC.DIMENEXT...
  9. raziel3

    Suppress WebControl Display Prompt to Download pdf

    I'm reading this thread and having the same problem on Windows 11. Can anyone help with an update to the .reg file because I tried it and it did not work.
  10. raziel3

    Solved Alternate Row Background color, ok easy. What about Alternate Row Text Color?

    Getting the alternate row color is easy enough but how do you get alternate row text color?
  11. raziel3

    Solved Help to Convert Single Range to Min and Max (RE:

    I'm trying to follow Allen Brown's method as seen here to convert a single range to Min and Max Values This is the Table +----------+-------+------------+ | SDate | Class | Range | +----------+-------+------------+ | 3-Mar-14 | 1 | 780.00 | |...
  12. raziel3

    Solved Edit Records from outside the Access DB

    Is it possible to edit records from outside a database via Excel. Here's the situation. My co-worker has a Database saved in her OneDrive the problem is that, if I want to edit records I will need to download the database, make changes and reupload. If I do that while she is adding records all...
  13. raziel3

    Most Recent Cost of an Item Query returning Duplicates

    I'm trying to get the last/most recent cost of an item using this query. SELECT Product.UPC, Product.PNAME, PurDetail.PurDate, PurDetail.CPU FROM Product LEFT JOIN PurDetail ON Product.UPC = PurDetail.UPC WHERE (((PurDetail.PurDate)=(SELECT MAX(PurDate) FROM PurDetail As P2 WHERE P2.UPC =...
  14. raziel3

    Sql String being truncated

    Hi all, This is the statement I'm trying to pass through VBA BioClockSql = "SELECT EmpTimes.USERID " & _ ",EmpTimes.EID " & _ ",EmpTimes.CHECKDATE " & _ ",Format([CHECKDATE],'ddd') AS DOW " & _ ",EmpTimes.INTIME " & _...
  15. raziel3

    Solved .Filter Recordset "No Current Record" Error / UpSerting in VBA

    I'm now trying to learn Recordsets so bear with me. Dim db As DAO.Database Dim PrimaryTRS As DAO.Recordset Dim ItemsRS As DAO.Recordset Dim NewItemsRS As DAO.Recordset Dim ItemsSql As String Set db = CurrentDb Set PrimaryTRS = db.OpenRecordset("tblItem", dbOpenDynaset) ItemsSql = "SELECT...
  16. raziel3

    VBA SQL vs "GUI"

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to get an idea of everyone's development style. Action Queries, do you all (the more seasoned developers) prefer to type out the SQL in VBA or create the query GUI and refer to it and why?
  17. raziel3

    Solved Missing Numbers in Sequence

    Hello all, I am trying to make a query to get numbers missing in a sequence. So far I've used this SELECT CHQREGISTER.CHQNUM, (SELECT TOP 1 T1.CHQNUM FROM CHQREGISTER AS T1 WHERE T1.CHQNUM = CHQREGISTER.CHQNUM+1 ORDER BY T1.CHQNUM ASC) AS SEQ...
  18. raziel3

    How to make an UPSERT query using another Query as the source

    I was reading this thread and was wondering how to do an UPSERT using a query (not a table) as the source. I am trying the method described here and I am getting a "Operation...
  19. raziel3

    Making an Opening/Closing Stock By Year Query

    I'm trying to make a Opening/Closing stock query. So far I've managed to do it for 2022 but how would I go about using 2022 Closing Stock as 2023 Opening Stock? I've attached the db and the query "RMMOVEMENT" is my current progress. Side note: I've heard that keeping a table (rather than...
  20. raziel3

    Setting the year part of a date for data entry

    When doing data entry you can enter the month and day and Access will fill out the year, which is based on the PC's date. I have a backlog of data entry, how to set the year part of the date to the previous year, 2021 or even 2020 when doing data entry. I know you can change the PC's date and...
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