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  1. A

    Split form: auto ticking of checkbox

    I have 02 checkboxes in a table Say chkbx1 and chkbx2 On ticking of chkbx1 i want to automatically tick chkbx2. Please guide me
  2. A

    Copy of Excel (OLE Object) and paste as table in word

    Dear Experts; So far I have created a data base that contains a table having 07 fields. I have successfully export my data (extract from table) to word Now i am in the need add 08 the field that is "OLE Object" each record have its separate OLE Object (Excel File) now i want to print...
  3. A

    Need help to resolve - Error appears "Object Required"

    When i use this code i get error "Object Required" Private Sub Command12_Click() Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset On Error GoTo errorhandler Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection rs.Open ("select *...
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