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  1. K

    Using ADO on current database but changing Provider to Jet

    How do I use ADO on my current database but change the provider to Microsoft Jet so I can use bookmarks with dynamic cursors? As stated here CurrentProject.Connection defaults to an ODBC provider. Debug.print CurrentProject.Connection gives me: Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 From what I understand...
  2. K

    Quit an Office App but make sure it exists

    I have functions that open Office Apps, including Word, Excel, and Project. I've had the problem that sometimes when errors occur the Apps are not properly closed and that ruins the function until I either close the App process in Task Manager, or reboot the system. To this end, I want to...
  3. K

    Radio button group malfunctions when other control in box

    If I have other controls, such as a button or a text box, placed inside the group box for radio buttons, the radio buttons and controls inside the group box will freeze and become unresponsive when I click a radio button, until I set focus on a control outside of the box with a mouse click. I...
  4. K

    Disable click activity when using Do..While pause with OLE Word Doc

    I am using a Do While statement to have Access pause when editing an OLE Word embedded object until the Word window is closed. While the Word program is open, it stays on top of the Access program even if I click on the forms in the access program behind it. This is how I want it, except after...
  5. K

    Open OLE Word hidden for VBA edit

    When I use this code to open an OLE embedded Word document Me![Doc].Verb = acOLEVerbShow Me![Doc].Action = acOLEActivate the MS Word program pops up with the document, but I want it to be hidden because I only want to modify its contents with VBA using Me![Doc].Application.ActiveDocument after...
  6. K

    Getting original value of text field when data entry undone with escape

    I have subforms that are requeried when the number in a text field on a form is changed using the AfterUpdate event. If the user presses escape on the form after making a change to the text field (regardless of whether that particular text field has focus at the time), I want to requery the...
  7. K

    Extracting raw binary text data from embedded RTF file

    I've been updating a field in a linked ODBC database which takes raw text (I guess it would be called "binary") data from RTF files. That is, the same as opening an RTF document in Notepad and copying the entire file including formatting tags. So far, I've been creating the RTF file in VBA...
  8. K

    Create string using function in calculated field

    I want to create a calculated field that takes two other integer fields in the table, RBeginn and RLength, and creates a string containing a sequence of numbers. For example, if RBeginn is -2, and RLength is 6, the string should contain "-2,-1,0,1,2,3". I've already created a function in a...
  9. K

    Error when inserting formula into excel via VBA

    So I insert "=SUMME(F2:F254)" into a cell in Excel. When I go to Excel it shows #NAME? in the cell instead of the sum. But when I click on the cell to edit it and then leave the cell without changing anything, the formula suddenly works and it shows the sum. How do I make the formula work...
  10. K

    Include datasheet sort/filter when exporting to Excel file?

    How can I include the sort and filter that a user has chosen in a Form's datasheet view when exporting the datasheet into an Excel file? Normally I use DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet for the export, but that only accepts tables or queries. The sort is stored in the form's OrderBy property and the...
  11. K

    Embedding Excel data entry templates in Database and then saving them

    I want to use Excel documents for data entry for each of my projects in Access. After the data has been transferred from Excel to Access, I want the Excel doc with the entered data to be saved in a folder for that project with other relevant documents. The Excel data entry doc is a template...
  12. K

    Check if global variable has been erased

    I have a global variable of type Collection defined in a module. I know if I get an uncaught error the global variable will no longer be defined. But I am trying to check if it is undefined and if it is then call a function that sets it new and assigns its values. But I can't find a way to...
  13. K

    Combo box multivalues are lost outside of change event

    This is a weird problem. My combo box only has values inside of it's onChange event in VBA. Its ItemsSelected.Count value is 0 in every other function, but correct in the onChange event. Trying to access a value via ItemsSelected(0) produces an error in every function except for the onChange...
  14. K

    Comparing multivalue combo box to multivalue table/query field

    I have a table with a multivalue field. I have a search form with a combo box where multiple predefined search items (corresponding to the possible values of the multivalue field) can be selected. I want to filter the query based on the table so that it only shows records whose multivalue...
  15. K

    Linking button to checkbox and undoing changes

    I have a toggle button that changes its color and caption whenever an option is chosen. I made a checkbox linked to a field to store the value, hid it, and then made the toggle button that checks or unchecks the hidden box in it's onClick event, along with changing the appearance of the button...
  16. K

    Editing contents of Listbox in runtime without right-click

    I want to give my users the ability to add more options to a listbox (or combo box though I'll use the word listbox in this post). I have run into two problems: 1. The listbox control requires me to enter a form that will be called to edit the contents of the list. I would have liked to just...
  17. K

    Hyperlinks in datasheet but not for every record

    A column will have either the word "Offer" or "Order." I want the text to appear as a hyperlink (blue underlined) if another column for that record is not null, otherwise normal black text. I know how to make the entire column a hyperlink, but how do I do it for only certain records?
  18. K

    Need to know when subform OnCurrent event fires by itself

    I have a main form for orders and a subform for items in the order. As I understand it, the subform OnCurrent event fires both when I move through the subform and when I move through the main form to a different order. As we know, subform Load and onCurrent events fire before main form events...
  19. K

    Closing form after full screen Print Preview

    I have a button on a form that opens a print preview of a table in a form datasheet. The forms will often be opened in full screen mode, which means the print preview will also be opened full screen. The problem is, print preview removes the X button for the form window that normally appears...
  20. K

    Formatting Currency in a non-numeric Text field

    Normally, a person would use a numeric field in a table formatted as currency to enter pound, dollar, or euro amounts. But I want to use a text field, since the field will be used to contain separaters, such as dashes, in certain records. It also needs to be stored directly in the table (not a...
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