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  1. D

    Error: 3211, the database engine could not lock table...

    Hi! Why DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport is locking the table even though the report was closed? Is there a way to release the table and initiate a drop table query? Note: I need to keep the file that was exported.
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    User intervention, abort .copyfile() with a button

    Hi! Please share your thought or a link to a discussion with code samples as to how to achieve this simulation. User intervention to abort Scripting.FileSystemObject CopyFile() with a button.
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    SEESAW Form?

    Hi! How do you call this type of form? Can anyone redirect me to a specific forum. Pls see attachment. Thanks Daryll
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    Count results from SELECT query

    I want to count the result based from the select query, but this query doesn't work. A little help is appreciated. SELECT Count(*) AS Total FROM ( SELECT tblPoolReference.EntryDocID FROM tblPoolReference INNER JOIN ( SELECT Distinct Correspondence_ID, Reference_No FROM tblPoolCorrespondence...
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    What is meant by 0&, 1& and 2&

    Hi! Could somebody tell me please what are the representation of these characters? 0&, 1& and 2& Thanks
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    Access VBA error "Overflow"

    Hi! Why this code still throws an overflow error IIf( (cbStatNotStarted=0 Or cbStatTotal=0), 0, (cbStatNotStarted / cbStatTotal) * 100 )
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    Set checkbox value to true if record match

    Relationship: 1(RefNo) to many(discipline) Main Form Fetch its records from a query (Select * from tblEntry 'the main table) Contain the discipline object Discipline object having the on_click event and if triggers, it open the Pop-up form Discipline field calls concatDiscipline module and...
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    How to commit changes immediately to its record source

    I have a simple continuous form which directly fetch records from its record source. A checkbox and description are only the fields which my form contains. Only the checkbox is amendable. I noticed when ticking the checkbox it doesn't apply the changes immediately to the table until moving the...
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    How to remove #Error display value of your control

    I have a continuous form with field "Attachment" which will count all attachment relevant to the ID of the form. I was able to count the attachment with this =Nz(DCount("EntryDocID","tblPoolAttachmentDetail","EntryDocID = " & [tbID].[Value]),0) but at the end of the row where you will see the...
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    How to reference a sub-subform in a navigation form from outside form

    What is the appropriate path to reference a sub-subform in a navigation form from outside form. This path work if you are in the navigation form, but not on outside form. Forms![Nav Form Attachment]![NavigationSubform].Form.[Pool eFile Attachment].visible=True
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