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  1. K

    Locking problems altering a table ??

    I use these lines to delete the records from a temporary table and reset ID automumbering to start from 1 again: DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM [INFOs midlertidig]" DoCmd.RunSQL "ALTER TABLE [INFOs midlertidig] ALTER COLUMN [Id] COUNTER(1,1);"...
  2. K

    Special background color for NOT activated textbox ??

    I have a textbox in a continuous form, placed behind all other controls and I want it DISABLED. I use it for highliting the record i focus with a special color - and it works, but ... When a record is NOT in focus I just want to see that "behind-textbox" but not with the DISABLED standard...
  3. K

    Looping through folder with DIR ???

    I have this sub to sequentualy run through the files in the folder: Sub loopThroughFiles(folder As String) ' Treversing through files in the folder and each ' Hyperlink (if any) is tested for existing FILE or URL Dim strFile As String strFile = Dir(folder) Do While...
  4. K

    Setting fore- backcolor ??

    I have this generel sub to flashing of a control on a form ,,, flash in a specific color: Sub FlashCtrl(OnOff As Boolean, frm As Form, Ctl As Control, Optional flashColor As Long) If OnOff = False Then frm.TimerInterval = 0 frm.Controls(Ctl.Name).Visible = False Else...
  5. K

    Dbl click on textbox not working ??

    What could be wrong if a dbl click wont work on a textbox ? If works nicely on the textbox just beside the problematic one ! When I say "wont work" I mean it never comes to the break point I inserted in the dbl click event procedure for that textbox :banghead:
  6. K

    Double clicking on continues form ??

    The double click ONLY works if I double click on the record selector ! Why ?
  7. K

    Get value from record by clicking on it ??

    The situation is a user is adding a record for an social event - when finished he shall add participants to that event. He can enter the participantsby entering all the values hemself (implemented !) OR he can click a butten to copy the participantsfrom another social event (not implementes...
  8. K

    Same Sub for several Events ????

    I have a form with 15-20 textboxes showing the name of a person. I want to be able to RIGHT-click on one of them to show more detailed infos of the person behind the name. The way I show the details is working nicely BUT it don't look right to have the EXACT same code for each of the...
  9. K

    Checkbox wont respond at all ??

    I have some tabs in a form and on more of these tabs I have a checkbox for setting a file reference to PRIVATE or NOT - it works well ! I got it to work on ONE tab and just copied the control and the underlaying code to the other tabs. Today I added a new tab and has done the same...
  10. K

    Multidimentional const ???

    I would like to declare a multidimensional const of 11 pairs of 2 strings, but oh it hurt to find out how ! I can get this to work: Dim MainFolders As String MainFolders = [{"BILLEDE","IMG_files"; "BO_KOMMENTAR","BO_docs"; "DELTOG_I","GUEST_docs"; "GENST_KOMMENTAR","GENST_docs"...
  11. K

    Check if checkbox is checked when clicking ???

    I have a checkbox to make some of the data on my records private. When that checkbox is checked I hide the private data and shows a button to access these data IF a password is correct. BUT ... I too need to be able to UN-privatize the data again by UN-checking the checkbox BUT ONLY if the...
  12. K

    How to get return value from an Excel-function run in Access ?

    I can run an Excel-function, placeEvent, from within Access by: xlApp.Application.Run "placeEvent", ... function arguments given here .... but how can I get the value returned by the Excel-function ? :confused:
  13. K

    Do a RunSQL in memory ... without table ?

    I have made an SQL-string from a query and I have to change the criterias for different fields from user input in a form. I can't just - in the query - reference the criterias directly in the form because the way they are given there ... I have to manipulate them into a string and incorporate...
  14. K

    Access wont start at all ??

    I've updated Windows 10 on my Lenovo W520 where I have had Office365 Home running for a year without problems. After this last update Access wont start up - Word/Excel ect. no problems - only Access - starts with a white screen and never comes further - some CPU use, no disc activity ... but...
  15. K

    Introduction ...

    We have to meet on other conditions ... Why allways when problems has evolved ? But I'm retired Developer with a lot of hobbies - including making my own genealogic system by using of MS Office 365 Home. The DB in Access, all notes on persons, events ect. in Word and the family tree in Excel...
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