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  1. B

    Billing form

    Enventually, the table cautionnement finaux is going to be replace by the table listing - facturation (which it translate to the billing table), and I want to do so because the cautionnement finaux table duplicates information that already exist. I’ll try to upload a zip file soon. Thanks for...
  2. B

    Billing form

    A zipped copy will be harder to send because it sits on a closed network with many restriction... I’ll see if I can publish a version with no data in soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. B

    Billing form

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. B

    Billing form

    Ok thanks. Cause the way I was trying to do it was by creating a new numerical field and make the contend select the activity ID then select the activity serial number. I know now that this isn’t the way to go but why ? How would you go about creating the combo field ? How I see it: create...
  5. B

    Billing form

    Hey guys, Scope : I have a client table and a activity table, so each client can have different activity Problem: I need to create a billing form, where we would just enter the serial number of the activity and all the information about the client and the specific activity would fill in. But...
  6. B

    Bryan Rousseau

    Hey, Fairly new to MS Access, create a database from A to Z for work. I'm from Québec Canada. I like to ride my motocycle. I'm a surety financial analyst
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