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  1. S

    Microsoft access warning

    Good morning Specialists, After input my form fields I click a button to create a mail. Works fine. Before the "email code" starts, the user has the possibility to save the record and continue or not and cancel. Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Dim strMsg As String Dim...
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    Sum of fields with "INT" function

    Good morning everybody, I have in my report some calculated fields and I want to calculate the sum of these fields in my pagefooter. From the calulated fields I need the integer part of the result. The formule for I use is e.g. Fieldname : "Fifty" =Int([payOut]/50) and it works fine. e.g...
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    Chow password gives me a strange result

    Good morning specialists, I find a code on the web to show or hide the password in my Loginform. Private Sub lbl_Click() If Me.lbl.Caption = "Show Password" Then Me.UserPassword.InputMask = True Me.lbl.Caption = "Hide Password" UserPassword.SetFocus Else Me.UserPassword.InputMask = "Password"...
  4. S

    Run code before close report

    Dear specialists, I want to give the user the posibility to print the repport or not when they close the repport with this code : Private Sub Report_Close() Dim Response As Integer Response = MsgBox("Printen?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Report Information") If Response = vbYes Then DoCmd.PrintOut...
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    Clean-up map with pdf's

    Hi everybody, I like to clean up a map where I store my pdf's (copies of reports) I would like to delete all the pdf's who are older than 6 months from "today's date" using the modified date and not the creation date. The web didn't bring me any solution so far... my pdf's are stored in ...
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    Hi everybody, I have a database with login form. After password input I click the OK button and de DB starts running. No problem so far. What I like to do is run my "OK" code after input my password without clicking the ok button. (e.g. like the windows pincode to login) Is there a way that...
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    open report with 2 conditions

    Hi specialists, I want to open a repport with 2 conditions. part of the code : DoCmd.OpenReport "Alle Dossiers", acViewPreview, , "[NN] =" & NN And "[Datum TA] =#" & [Datum TA] & "#" Only with the "NN" condition, no problem. [Datum TA] is a combobox to filter my form based on the date in...
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    open a form with conditions

    Good evening (for me it is here in Belgium) developers :) I would like to open a form in 2 ways : as a User or as a Admin. I have a table with all the users where the Usertype field has a possible selection User or Admin. (from another table) When the Usertype is "User" the form should go...
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