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  1. C

    Query - 30 days prior to a specific date

    I have managed to work it out! Between [Forms]![Menu]![StrDte] And [Forms]![Menu]![StrDte]-30 Thanks for your help
  2. C

    Query - 30 days prior to a specific date

    Hi, thanks for the reply, This is what I have tried, however it does not appear to be working. From what I can see, it is not picking up the sales taken during the 30 days prior to the start date, but it is counting the sales prior to the date calculated with the 30 days. For example if a...
  3. C

    Query - 30 days prior to a specific date

    Hi everyone, I am struggling with something I thought would be easy to do.:confused: I need a query to only count records of sales that took place 30 days prior to a specific date entered onto a form. The date field is SrtDte. I have been able to get the query to pick up sales within 30 days...
  4. C

    Fixed query results layout, is this possible?

    Sorry I misunderstood, I have followed your instructions correctly this time and it is now working a treat :) Thanks very much Pat much appreciated!
  5. C

    Fixed query results layout, is this possible?

    Thanks for the responses everyone, appreciate the help :) I have been playing around with the suggestions but not had any success as of yet. I have created a list table and connected it to the table within the crosstab with a left join. When I run the query it is still not showing all the...
  6. C

    Fixed query results layout, is this possible?

    Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and also the world of Access in general! I have been asked to create a query and have hit a problem I was hoping you could help me with. In short I need to create a query with a fixed result layout, e.g. fixed column and row headers. Column headers: Type A...
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