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    Query to create index not working - Resources exceeded

    Hi All, I've got a really weird issue creating an index for a table. (nb: table, index and field names renamed below for clarity)I have a table (Table1) that contains an unindexed numerical field (Field1). I have a query (Query1) that contains the following SQL: CREATE INDEX Idx_Field1 ON...
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    Question Recommended Licenses for your code?

    Hi All, I was thinking of posting a load of modules, class modules and other bits and pieces I've built up over the years for others to use them. In the past anything I've shared contained a small comment that confirms they can use it freely. However I was thinking that perhaps something more...
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    Connect Datasheet form to Active Directory Search Results

    [SOLVED] Connect Datasheet form to Active Directory Search Results Hi All, I'm trying to tie a from into the results from and AD Query. I'm not that experienced with doing this kind of thing so I may be going about this the wrong way. Anyway here's what I've got so far: Private Sub...
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    Dynamically link CSV to datasheet form

    (MS Access 2010) Hi All, I'm trying to find some code to allow a datasheet form to link to a csv file. I'd like the link to the data to be dynamic so it connects when the form loads as the access database will be run from a network share by multiple people at the same time. The CSV file will be...
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    Internationalisation Module for Access

    This is a simple module with functions that allow you to change captions, labels, etc. in your access interface depending on the current user's locale. It relies on a language table. As text fields in Access tables allow unicode, this method will allow text from Right-To-Left languages like...
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    Hebrew/Jewish Date Class

    Updated on 3rd Feb 2012 with new version of code (attached) Here's a Hebrew date class I've been recently building. It performs direct conversion between Hebrew and Gregorian dates, Yahrzeit calculations and GUI Hebrew Date Picker dialog box. The file is is Access 2010 format and contains an...
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    Question sub datasheet dropdown filters missing for one user

    Hi All, I have a really weird problem and can't seem to figure out the answer. I'm hoping someone else might have come across the same thing. I have a access 2007 db that is rolled out to users using the Developer > Package Solution option. This installs a copy of the db on their pc and Access...
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    number to ordinal list (1st, 2nd, 3rd...)

    Hi All, Here's a quick and nasty function to convert a number to it's ordinal representation. e.g. 1 = 1st 2 = 2nd 3 = 3rd etc. Public Function IntToOrdinalString(MyNumber As Integer) As String Dim sOutput As String Dim iUnit As Integer iUnit = MyNumber Mod 10...
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    Date View Last Used - dumping old views

    Hi All. Not sure if this is even possible but I thought I'd ask :o . Does someone know how to list the date a View in MSSQL 2000 was last used? I've got a DB which has been hacked around with for a long time and there's loads of views defined that I think I can delete. However, some of them...
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    SQL passthrough Stored Procedure Better way than dlookup?

    Can anyone suggest a better way to do this? I've got a stored procedure in SQL that creates a copy of a record in our contact database and returns a table with a single row to return the new Primary key for the new record. Background In access I've created a general passthrough query called...
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    newbie ribbon Qu: set checkbox value

    hi all, I thought it was high time I got to grips with how to implement custom ribbons. I've managed to write some xml and subs that trigger when buttons, etc are pressed. what i can't figure out is, with checkboxes, how I set their value dynamically. I have a form with a boolean field in it...
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    Delete query referencing a pass-through results in error

    Delete query referencing a pass-through results in error [Solved] Here's the delete query: Delete from LocalTable where LocalTable.ID IN (SELECT PassThroughQuery.ID FROM PassThroughQuery); The table called "LocalTable" stores a list of IDs I want to delete. The query called...
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    Store current sub/function & module name in Variable

    Hi all, Does anyone know if there is a way to programmatically (is that a real word:confused:) access the name of the current sub? Something like this: Sub ProcA msgbox "Sub: " & me.SubName & "Module: " & me.ModuleName end sub Sub ProcB msgbox "Sub: " & me.SubName & "Module: " &...
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    error 2455 calling public sub in main form from subform

    Ok, I've got a weird one here i can't work out. I have a main form (MainForm) that contains 2 subforms (subform1 & subform2). MainForm contains a public sub called FilterSubForm2 The subform1 onCurrent event needs to call FilterSubForm2 I've tried call me.form.parent.FilterSubForm2 call...
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    integer to text binary, hex, or any other base

    Hi all, Had to write a quick and nasty function that outputted a number in base 36 (don't ask!) and thought I'd share the code. You can modify this function to work out any base by removing the unwanted digits from the DigitArray. E.G. for Hex DigitArray = Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"...
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    HTML WYSIWYG ActiveX Recomendation

    Hi All, Can anyone recommend an WYSIWYG control for editing HTML in an Access 2003 form? Open Source would be nice if possible. Tar. M.
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    Trigger code for Audit Trail

    Help, I a bit stuck. I'm trying to create a trigger that will launch on changes to the data in a table called tblContacts. It should record the changes in a table called tblAudit I've tried to make the code so it checks all fields (columns) in the tblContacts table. The problem I'm having is...
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    is_member not reporting true

    OK, there's something I'm obviously missing here (newbie to this). In Enterprise Manager I've Created a new role on my database called FinanceStaff. I've added my login as a member of this role (SQL is using NT Authentication) From Access I run this view SELECT IS_MEMBER('FinanceStaff')...
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    sp_helprole displays no columns

    Am I being rather stupid or is something not quite right? I'm executing the following stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1 as exec sp_helprole and getting back 10 rows but no columns (see screenshot) Q1. where am I going wrong Q2. as a side issue if I wanted to use the...
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    SQL 2k Access 2k3 - integrate Roles with Forms

    Hi all, before i start recreating the wheel, could anyone give me any pointers in getting Access to block users from launching particular Forms based on which roles they are members of in SQL. I am using Access 2003, with SQL 2000 in NT Authentication mode. The forms are located in an Access...
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