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  1. A

    Change the control Source in a textbox in a Report.

    Change the Control Source of a TextBox in a report. Like the one shown in this image: Screen capture My aim is to exclude from this control results that are compabtile with the string above depicted so I've written: =[FormaPago] <> "Transferencias SVS-Mutuas" But it does not work. So my...
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    Data range in a box determines filter of a subform

    Hello! I have a form (A) that contains a subform (B). Now, the B shows registers from a query that is defined with an SQL. I would like to make this SQL change on order to contrain the dates of the registers shown. In other words: Now the subform (B) shows registers from dates fixed in its SQL...
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    VBA How to open browser in an specific path

    Hi! I'm trying to open the file browser from VBA with this code: Dim S As String S = OpenCommDlg("Magazine.txt") And It's ok but it opens the window of the "C:\A\B" Path And I want it to open "C:" path No way to change it giving that path to the function... Any idea?
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    VBA Split a String in two parts

    Hello, I'm trying to obtain two codes from this string: "HL PNX-70[15200]" But with this code, I obtain two times the same output: "HL PNX-70". So, the code is not properly done. How to obtain the output '15200' from the above mentioned String? Private Sub Comando221_Click() MsgBox...
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    Web service ask for windows credentials

    We are coding a B2B connection from our VBA Access application to a WebService. Everything seems to run properly at the beginning but an extremely confusing message pops up in the midst of this process. Please, see attached screenshot: The code we're using is: oHTTP.Open "POST"...
  6. A

    Too few parameters. Expected 1

    I'm trying to find out why this is wrong, while in the queries generator it works properly. SELECT Count(Audi.Id) AS CuentaDeId FROM Audi WHERE (((Len." & filtro & ") Between #" & Format(Me!fechamin, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# And #" & Format(Me!fechamax, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#)) With some dates slightly...
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    VBA search from two Recordsets with Loops one into another

    Hello everybody, I have a table in Access that shows products and its associated codes. Each product should have a code, but sometimes users make a mistake and give the same code to two different products. I call this the "duplication mistake" To that extent, everything is normal. The...
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    Problem filtering records of a table with SQL and forms

    Hello, I have a form in Access where I can select some products. When I click a button, a new form is opened and I can see all my products of a brand. As you can see in this screen capture: Then, when the button "See" is clicked, a new form is opened and the table inside it is set up. It's...
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    Access VBA, delete some characters inside a String

    I have several records that include some text between square brackets --> aaaaaa[aaaaa]. I need to erase that extra content, square brackets included. The String in the example would turn out to be: aaaaaa I'm trying this code: Dim sqr as Integer Dim origin as String Dim result as String...
  10. A

    Access VBA, open several instances of the same report at the same time

    From a form, I'm aiming at opening several instances of a report with only a change of the Id's being shown. So, the VBA code is: DoCmd.OpenReport "ordentallerSobre", acViewPreview, , "id = 20370" DoCmd.OpenReport "ordentallerSobre", acViewPreview, , "id = 20371" And then, only the...
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