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  1. G

    Sub Report Page Breaks

    Hi Guys, Does anyone know how to force a page break in a subreport? The page break works fine when the intended sub report is opened seperatly (force a new page after two records), but when the report is run as a sub report, the page break doesn't work!! - anyone have any ideas?
  2. G

    Form_Object.procedure variable

    Hi all; Sorry to bother you with this but if you know how I can run procedures in other forms by using a variable as a form name I would love to this will save me typing in a massive amount of case statements. Am currently using : Form_Address.DeleteMember memID but when I set up a...
  3. G

    Customized Logon Box and Splash Screens

    Cheers guys,
  4. G

    Customized Logon Box and Splash Screens

    Hi all; Any got any suggestions on customizing the access logon box to include other options (such as a check box to change passwords). And I also need help on replacing the dodgy access splash screen with a much better one of my own design... Thanks Gav White
  5. G

    LIKE statement

    Thanks for the advice, ill get onto it. Cheers
  6. G

    LIKE statement

    Hi All Is it possible to use a LIKE statment in SQL which will search for Partial Dates, I've been trying but it just bugs out. Any advice?
  7. G

    Global Variables

    Thanks for the advice, and an A+ Thanks for the tidied up code, Ill trace it through and see where its going wrong. Cheers...
  8. G

    Global Variables

    When the checkmode (C) is set to 2, this indicates that the user is in check data mode on the form. The value is supposed to be remembered so that the function can compare it to the constant inputs (state) from events on the subform, which are passed as 1. Therefore S = 1 C = 1 = Hidden S...
  9. G

    Global Variables

    Here you go... Function colhide(state As Integer) 'state passed from procs when event occurs 'state = 1 : the code passed from sub form events - current, mousemove, click and dbl click 'state = 2: the code passed from leakform when check data button event is activated 'State = 3: the code...
  10. G

    Global Variables

    Hi all, Ive written a function which is supposed to remember a high value which is passed to it, and then to use it to compare certain states indicating whether a column is hidden or not. The problem is that the global variable which is supposed to store the value during the duration of the...
  11. G

    Cutting and Pasting controls in VBA

    Want to hide columns in datasheet view under certain conditions without using columnHidden property, because this does not properly hide it (can be reactivated by dragging the adjacent column). Any other solution that anyone can provide about hiding a column like that without it being able to be...
  12. G

    Cutting and Pasting controls in VBA

    Hi all, Does anyone if it is possible to cut a control (txtbox, combobox etc) from the detail section of a form, and then to paste it in either the header or footer section using just VBA code, and vice versa. Any advice would be crackin' Gav White
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