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  1. J

    Solved Outlook Appointment Subform records

    Hi All, I have a main form with a subform and I want to insert all records from the subform into an Outlook appointment/calendar entry. Everything works accept how the subfrom records are copied. I use the following code to grab the subform records: Private Sub Outlook_Click() Dim rs As...
  2. J

    Solved Query with conditional criteria

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a query off of two tables that is connected/used with another database I don't directly manage. There is a field called ADDRESS_TYPE in the Delivery Address table that has two values as data options: 'Delivery' and/or 'Contact Address'. The Delivery Address...
  3. J

    SQL Query - WHERE clause

    Hi everyone, I have a basic query that references a form's value in the WHERE clause. I'd like to try and turn this query into a pass-through query as I'm looking at moving my tables to an online SQL server. I'm aware that pass-through queries cannot utilise form values in the traditional way...
  4. J

    Solved Auto Population of Form Field

    Hi everyone. I've come across a strange issue that I can't seem to figure out.... I have a combo box whose source is a query that runs and stores the results in the combo box drop down list, and it works fine. I have some VBA that stipulates when a user selects a result/row from the combo box...
  5. J

    Form Validation Issue

    Hi guys, This might be an already-trodden issue...but does anyone know why this form validation works (in the form properties box): >="36.5" And <="37.5" But this doesn't: >="9.5" And <="10.5" What am I missing here?
  6. J

    Solved Display OLE Ink Object in Report

    Hi everyone, I have managed to capture a signature in a form using the Microsoft InkPicture Active X control, and store that signature as an OLE field in a table. I can then also recall that OLE object in the form when cycling through the records. Each form record displays the corresponding...
  7. J

    Solved Copy all query records into Form Datahseet

    Hi guys, I have a combo box that displays the results of a query. The results are always more than one record, which of course translates to multiple rows being displayed in the combo box. I'd like to copy all records / rows from this combo box and insert them into a subform ( in datasheet...
  8. J

    Solved Capture Query Data

    Hi All, I have a query (qrypackage1) that collects individual records from a table (tblproducts). I use this query to display certain products together as they form a final packaged product. The result of said query can then be displayed on reports etc. The thing is...tblproducts consists of...
  9. J

    Solved Validation between two ranges

    Hi All, I'm having some difficulty with an IF statement that checks if a text field's value is between a specified range of numbers, depending on the option of a combo box. There are two number ranges available, and I wish to check/validate according to a specific range based on the option the...
  10. J

    Solved Exporting Report to PDF Error

    Hi everyone, I have a peace of VBA code that used to work, but now doesn't. Here is the code: DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord DoCmd.OpenReport "DT14_IQOQdoc", acViewPreview, WhereCondition:="[Doc ID]=" & Me![Doc ID] DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "DT14_IQOQdoc", acFormatPDF...
  11. J

    Solved Display Image using Hyperlkink

    Hi Everyone, I'm trying to display an image in a report (once printed) by inserting a blank image control, and setting the source of the image control based on a hyperlink field. Me!Image243.Picture = Me.Ctlhyperlink But.....access stores the hyperlink as...
  12. J

    Solved Customise CurrentUser

    Hi everyone, I have a simple login form that checks the value entered in text box with prestored data in a hidden table. Once the login button is pressed, the code checks the user name matches one in the table, and if it does, the form closes and the database opens. All works well. What I...
  13. J

    Solved Copy query records into form fields (datasheet view)

    Hi guys, I have a question about copying records from a simple query (qry1) into fields on a form (frm1) in datasheet view. I wish to copy all records from qry1 and paste them as individual rows/records/entries in frm1 in datasheet view. The catch is this....while I want to copy all the...
  14. J

    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy Issue

    Hi Everyone, I have seen many variations on this problem, but nothing that quite relates to my own, specific issue. I am trying to copy text from a field on a form and paste it into another text field on the same form. Both fields are standard text fields, from the same table. The VBA...
  15. J

    Solved Hide Subreport Page When Printing

    Hi guys, I have an issue I'm struggling with. I have a main report that is made up of subreports. I print / export this main report to a printer or PDF. All works well. Each subreport if effectively one page of the printed main report. On occasions there is one subreport I want to hide based...
  16. J

    Solved Expand Details Section To Join Page Footer To Fill Empty Space

    Hi Guys, I have a report that contains a report header, page header, details, and page footer sections. The page headers and footers are fixed at the top and bottom of the page, which is A4. The details section contains a basic subreport that populates when the main report is opened. My issue...
  17. J

    Error Handling

    Hi folks, I have an button function: Private Sub Command266_Click() Me.V1_SN = fnGetV1SN() Which when clicked, triggers this code: Public Function fnGetV1SN() With CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Qry_AutoPop") .Parameters(0) = Me![Bath SN] fnGetV1SN = .OpenRecordset()(4) End With End Function...
  18. J

    Text Formatting

    I have simple piece of text formatting that adds a degrees symbol to any value entered into a text field in a form (also the table). @° This works fine - you type 0.3 and it becomes 0.3° What I would like to do is have the ability to automatically add the degrees symbol to numbers only, and...
  19. J

    Sub report VBA not firing when loaded through main report

    Hi Guys, I have a little issue with some VBA code in a sub report. The following code works in the sub report when opened directly: Private Sub Report_Load() If IsNull(cmb1.Value) Then Me.img1.Visible = False Else Me.img1.Visible = True End If End Sub It displays or hides an image...
  20. J

    Copy result from a Query field to a Form textbox

    Hi there, I have a form that has a textbox called "S1_SN" and I have a query called Qry_AutoPop that works and generates the required information. One of the fields in the query is also called "S1_SN". The query is initiated based on the "Bath_SN" value. The form also has this field. Both form...
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