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  1. M

    Sending multiple reports via outlook

    Hello, I have 5 reports that I want to send via outlook at the same time from a push of a button on an access form. I have currently have: Option Compare Database Function sndrpt() Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem Dim strAttach1 As String Dim...
  2. M

    Creating a relationship between two uncommon tables.

    I may be overthinking this but I have two tables without a common link. Eventually, I am trying to create a report that compares two different years of data. The two tables were created from append queries. Is there any way I can create an additional column that shows the row number? I would...
  3. M

    Top Value Query by Group

    Hello, So I think I need to do a Top Value Query by Group but cannot figure it out. I have a query that is called qry_Stop with two columns (AccountNumber:Right([LOCATION],8) and R_Date). Neither are sorted or totaled. I used the Right function because I needed to only get 8 of the numbers...
  4. M

    Time Stamp after clicking a Command Button

    Hello, I have a form with a command button that runs a few macros. How can I put a text box next to that button that displays the last time the button was clicked? The macro updates some tables and I want to display the last time it was updated. Any Ideas?
  5. M

    Trying to Count IIF a date formated as "dddd".

    Hello, In my query, I have a column with a date. This date is formatted as short date (10/4/2019). I then have a column that is taking that and formats it to "dddd" (Friday). What I am trying to do now is perform a Count IIF for a specific date in a different query. I am trying to count the...
  6. M

    How can I get a linked Excel table to update automatically?

    Hello, I have a linked Excel Table that needs to be refreshed every day. I have built a database off of this and a few other tables. Is there any way that I could put a button on a form that would refresh the excel files?
  7. M

    Pop-up Search Tool will not pull in data

    Helllo, I am creating a pop-up search tool with a where and a how option group, you can search three choices (Account Num, Name or both) and it will have a list box to display data. However, I am missing something because every time I try to search it brings back blank results. My list box...
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