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    opening builtin attachments dialog box in access

    Hi All, good day. may i know if possible to open attachment dialog box using command button? something like this: Private Sub BtnAttach_Click() Attachment.Open End Sub
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    Code not save when at runtime

    Hi all does anyone experience about losing their codes even though it was already saved once the form runs or even close. it's like once closing the form, its doing undo.
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    Listview will becomes empty when i disable it

    hi all, may i know why my listview becomes empty when i disabled it. enable disable
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    how to insert attachment in sharepoint list using ado access vba

    hi all. i dont know how to insert an attachment in sharepoint list using ado. Dim objStream As ADODB.Stream Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim pdfPath As String Dim strSQl As String pdfPath = "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\24-0001.pdf" Set objStream =...
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    Solved how to create a relationship where columns depends on another column

    OBJECTIVE: To create an entry in table where Business Unit Column will depend on what is inside in Organization Column. Same thing in Business Unit Code, TABLE: Organization BusinessUnit BusinessUnitCode X Org Finance FIN X Org Payroll PYR X Org IT IT X Org Surveillance SRV Y Org...
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    Solved How to achieve Pivot

    OBJECTIVE: Period Taken is Feb 2024 CY MTD Column is a total amount for Feb 2024 Period CY YTD Column is a total amount from Jan 2024 to Feb 2024 Period PY MTD Column is a total amount for Feb 2023 Period PY YTD Column is a total amount from Jan 2023 to Feb 2023 Period COHN314 and COHN315 are a...
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    Pivot inside Select Query

    hi everyone. is it possible to union transform query? SELECT * FROM ( TRANSFORM Sum(t0.TotCost) AS SumOfTotCost SELECT t3.HierarchyLine+'.02' AS Hierarchy, t3.HierarchyMain, t3.HierarchyDetails, t0.LedgerDet, t1.ThisPeriod, t2.YTD FROM (([Main Table] AS t0 LEFT JOIN (SELECT LedgerAcct...
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    Is it possible to change duplicate value to zero in specific column by query?

    OBJECTIVE: To create a Result making duplicate value as zero in PO Amount AVAILABLE TABLES: PO Table Suppliers Table This is what my SQL query so far: SELECT t1.*, t2.* FROM PO_Table t1 LEFT JOIN SI_Table t2 ONE t1.[PO Number] = t2.[PO Number] `
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    Trying to access database in MS Teams

    OBJECTIVE: to access database in MS Teams using excel vba macro. CODE: Dim DataStr As String Dim connStr As String DataStr = " Documents/General/database.accdb" connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & DataStr & ";" _...
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    Solved Consolidate Employee Time In/Out take time to load.

    TABLE: Table_Test OBJECTIVE: to consolidate employee according to their time in, time out, and roster type. RESULT: EXPLANATION: If Employee was not on leave nor late nor early out. The Rostered Type to be retrieved is always Start and End. If Employee was Late. The Rostered Type to be...
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    Solved SQL query advise for inventory item and set

    AVAILABLE ITEM: itm_bundle column represents the item (per piece) included in the bundle). OBJECTIVE: To create a correct query for an inventory item per piece and per set. In order to produce an item set, the smallest qty of item piece will the basis: Example for Set A: a combination of 1...
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    How to catch keyreturn in Listview

    hi may i know why it wont catch the enter key in listview control in access. Private Sub lvCMAList_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) Dim DirFile As String Dim NewCtr As Integer Dim BOk As Boolean Dim msg Dim LV As MSComctlLib.ListView Set LV =...
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    Creating Report with Table Format

    hi, it is my first time to use reporting in access. is there any way i can make a report as per attached image? thank you.
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