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  1. F

    Update Statement with Where Combobox

    Thank you so much that worked. Solved Code that worked CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE [Main] SET [TAD] = Null WHERE [TAD] = '" & Me.TADSlctRtrn & "'"
  2. F

    Update Statement with Where Combobox

    Thank you for the help. I tried the code that you provided and received runtime error 3075: syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[TAD] = jackson' [Main].[TAD] is a combobox stored as text, key field hiding. [TADSlctRtrn] is a unbound combobox stored as text, key field hiding...
  3. F

    Update Statement with Where Combobox

    What I am trying to accomplish is update multiple records in a table that meets criteria that is stored in a combobox. The field that I am trying to update set to Null (also a combobox stored as text, key field hiding). I have been able to get the where statement working with a checkbox...
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