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  1. L

    Help with query calculated colums and query count

    Thanks for the clarification I'm trying to create another query with the following data: Create a Volunteer Awards Query: Length as a Volunteer: (Date()-[Start Date])/365 Award: IIf([Length as a Volunteer]>7,"Gold Pen","Silver Pen") This is what I have so far: SELECT Volunteers.[Last...
  2. L

    Help with query calculated colums and query count

    Need help on another query. I'm trying to calculate the number of days on loan; SELECT Zoos.[Zoo Name], Animals.Animal, <MATH>(<Today's Date> - Loans.[Date Borrowed]) AS [Days On Loan] FROM Animals INNER JOIN (Loans INNER JOIN Zoos ON Loans.[Zoo ID] = Zoos.[Zoo ID]) ON Animals.ID =...
  3. L

    Help with query calculated colums and query count

    I was able to correct the query with your guidance. Thanks a lot.
  4. L

    Help with query calculated colums and query count

    Thanks all for the response and help. I was able to correct the issue and the query run as expected. FROM Animals LEFT JOIN Loans ON Loans.[Animal ID] = Animals.[Animal ID] Correct: FROM Animals LEFT JOIN Loans ON Animals.[ID] = Loans.[Animal ID]
  5. L

    Help with query calculated colums and query count

    I'm trying to create two queries that needs to: 1. display animal and number of animals on loan I do not know what I'm doing wrong as all regions are showing only 1 animal on loan: SELECT Animals.Animal, Count(Loans.[Animal ID]) AS [Number oF Animal On Loan] FROM Loans INNER JOIN Animals ON...
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