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  1. Anthony.DG

    Solved Small problem with VBA when opening on new record.

    So I have a bit of code on my form to make a textbox invisible when the record is equal to zero and visible if >0.01 . Code works fine when opening a previous record. When a new record opens I get runtime error 2427. I'm still new to VBA so I have no clue what to do differently. Any suggestions...
  2. Anthony.DG

    Solved Query for Datasheet SubForm referring to Form Controls for Search

    Ok Im done banging my head against a wall... for now. Here is the low-down: 2 2 Forms 1 query I have a form frmLandScaper and a subform sfLandScaper. frmLandScaper has 2 controls. One is a combobox called cboQuarryFilter for QuarryID_FK the other is a textbox called txtSearchFilter to search...
  3. Anthony.DG

    Consolidating Similar Tables or Bad Idea?

    I have a database that has these different tables that stores records pertaining to Material. tblTicketing - Materials put on a truck weighed tblInvoiceMatDetail - Materials selected for estimates tblDemoDeposit a. Bank of construction site demo material in our yard that we will later recycle...
  4. Anthony.DG

    Solved Guided data entry

    I have a form for customer orders and once the order is complete the user is supposed to enter the date in the "completion date" and then check the box that says complete(Y/N). Well, some people forget to enter the date and it causes some information to go missing on the sales report. I was...
  5. Anthony.DG

    Solved Textbox Calculation, a question of conditional value

    I have a form for calculating freight for an order with a textbox that works just fine. BUT my client says they want to implement a minimum freight charge of $80. (they deliver, dirt and gravel). So the client asks that if the calculation of the freight is less than 80 then they want the...
  6. Anthony.DG

    Referencing CBO's, Relationship loop dilemma

    The setup - 3 Tables: [tblCarriers], [tblTrucks], [tblTicketing](junction table) 1 Form: [frmTicketing] [tblCarriers](one) has a foreign key linked from [tblTrucks](many). [tblTrucks](one) has a foreign key from [tblTicketing](many) [tblTicketing](one) had a foreign key from [tblCarrier](many)...
  7. Anthony.DG

    To store a calculation in a field or not to store, that is my question.

    Ok so first off I'm not referring to a calculated field in a table but a calculation made on a form and then storing it to a table. I have been reading here and there about normalization but I'm still fairly new to access and database creation. I'm not sure when you should store a field that...
  8. Anthony.DG

    Have combo box on form save to table on new record subform

    Hi still pretty new with Access. I want to have the info from my combo boxes and text boxes to carry over to new records (on tbl "New_MainData"(temporary name)) that I create on the subform as to be a little more efficient. (request of the person I'm making this for.) Form: and in case it...
  9. Anthony.DG

    Lookup Fields are evil? Or is this ok? Need a little guidance

    I've read in a few places that lookup fields should be avoided but I'm not sure why exactly. Should they always be avoided? It's made me feel that I'm doing everything with my database wrong. :banghead: I'm making a database to keep records for a Trucking company that sells soil and different...
  10. Anthony.DG

    Referencing a lookup field in a separate table in Lookup field

    Let me setup my issue. I have 3 tables labeled Carrier TruckNumber and Invoice Table TruckNumber has a lookup field Carrier referring to table Carrier field CarrierName. Now what i want to do is in the 3rd table Invoice I want to create a lookup field TruckNumber to table TruckNumber...
  11. Anthony.DG

    New Here From Cali

    Hello, My name is Anthony. I'm a tiny bit experienced with access and am creating a database for my small construction company. Starting some training videos but have mostly learned so far from google, youtube and trial and error. -Anthony
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