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  1. m-taha

    Temp Employee hourly report

    I have a form where employees register their daily work hours. I am trying to put a restriction on Temprary employees that since they work hourly wages they can't register hours as non-performance such as ( public holiday, vacations, sick leave or military duty, minus hours... etc). The...
  2. m-taha

    I need to get qr picture to be visible on a report(Payment invoice).

    So i have this code, a function that creates a qr code from the information it gets and stores it in a file on my pc. and opens a report with a picture of the qr code on it, and to refresh it every time it's called when runnung the invoice code. this the function: Public Function...
  3. m-taha

    Work hours Report for Temporary Employees

    Hello everyone, I'd really like some help with this. We have a Hour Report Form For Employees to report their work hours which is clear of course everyone has it. What I want to do is if an Employee is a Temporary Employee then they can't report hours as "Holiday" if they take a day off...
  4. m-taha


    hi i'm Mathani i'm not very well aversed with VBA i only started two moth ago, so i need help! i have a code(in a standard module) where i would like it to generalize the name of the picture in a report (image control name) and the name of the report that i'm refering to , because i want to...
  5. m-taha


    Hi, I'm a newbie :)
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