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  1. T

    Solved Truncate Query Results based on delimiter

    Is it possible when generating a query to truncate the results using characters/string as a delimiter? I have a table labeled Contacts where names are listed. One of the fields is address and includes PO Box. Each address includes PO Box #####. I would like my query to return to me the addresses...
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    Solved Listbox to returns non-empty query fields

    I have a QueryA that lists 5 fields from TableA, lets call them Fields1-5. On FormA I have a button that changes the SQL criteria of QueryA such that only one row of TableA is returned. I want to make a listbox that populates based on the fields that are currently present in QueryA. Simply...
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    Solved Issue Filling Report fields based on a previous form

    I'll preface this issue that I have little experience with reports in relation to the code builder. What I am trying to accomplish is filling in several text boxes on my report using combo boxes that a user would select on a previous form. For example: DoCmd.OpenReport "Singlesourcedreport"...
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    Solved Checking if a certain unique record exists using DCount

    I am having difficulties creating a line to determine if a certain record exists within a table. I have a form where a user put in numbers in four different text boxes and those will be stored in the table. And before they are inserted I wish to check if it already exists. From my...
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    Solved Using a form to update a hyperlink in a table

    Hi All, I am having issues with making use of hyperlink object in an Update SQL. I have a form where a user pastes the URL to a drawing in a text box. I have a table, Drawings, with fields "ID" and "Links". The link will be transferred to the field in the table corresponding to the ID they...
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    Suggestions to improve form view

    Hi All, I am developing a form which draws information from tables putting them in neat rows. Each row has all the information necessary, ids, classification, hyperlinks to documentation etc. This is a database for connectivity in tubing ( T, Y, Cross, 90 bends, etc) However the last column is...
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    Inserting strings into variables - Syntax issue

    Hi everyone. Being relatively new to VBA, I have had issues correctly constructing a line of code to allow me to quickly select the correct queries in a form. I have four combo boxes that let you select values 1-100. I want these to transfer to a SELECT command (ex. qry1, qry2... qryN). These...
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    Returning specific rows from Many-many relationships

    Hi All, I am having difficulties developing a query to return rows that include all of the requested criteria in a single field. Because of the nature of the data in my database I will make a short example to explain my situation. I have a clothing catalog with shirts. They come in sizes...
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    Count or DCount to obtain unique records in a subform field?

    [SOLVED]Count or DCount to obtain unique records in a subform field? Hi All, I have created this form that lets me select a material of construction from a combo box - formMaterialsearch - which filters a subform - Materialsubsearch. This works perfectly fine. What i want to do is have a text...
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    Missing operator in query expression

    I'm making use of a form to perform string searches in my database. I don't have much experience in VBA so I initially followed a guide to construct my first module. This worked out well, however when I tried to reapply the same process to any other form it gave me the same Runtime error 3075 ...
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