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  1. M

    Solved English version of Spanish functions

    Thank for the quick response
  2. M

    Solved English version of Spanish functions

    Hello everyone hope you are well, need an English version of the functions in the formula below Can:silnm(Dbusq("[Signo]";" [Transacciones_L]","[Id] ="& Forms![Movimiento_Kardex]![Transaccion] &"")='-'; [Kardex_Temp]![Cantidad] *-1;[Kardex_Temp]![Cantidad])
  3. M

    tab control within a tab control

    Solved, initially, it was failing to disappear, thank you so much
  4. M

    tab control within a tab control

    it seems am facing the same problem nested tab control is visible on every page, any other way to go around it.
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