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  1. B

    Form data to table issue

    I have table and and i generate form from that table. There is a Field called Spare Parts and Control source is selected as Spare Parts. But I want to make =[USE SPAREPARTS].[Form]![Text41] to that control source. if i eter this the data not store in the table. any one know how to fix it
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    Marco Does not Work on Navigation form

    I added marco [ASSET ID] Like "*" & [Forms]![MAR]![Combo255] & "*" It works on Normal Form. But If i Open it on Navigation form it doesent work. Navigation Main Form Name : Welcome If any one can fix this?
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    Display Out of Stock message in a form as a text.

    Hi I have a table with ProductID, ProductName, Quantity. I want to display a message in a form (Not a pop up message just a text in the form) If Quantity is 0 any product ""Product ID, ProductName" is Out of stock". If Quantity Less than 5 I want to display ""Product ID,ProductName" is Low...
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    Calculated Form field data not store in table

    I have create form. QTY Unit Price Total I create a query to generate the total in the form Total field. It generates but when I save the Total is not stored to the table. Please guide me to resolve this step by step. I don't much expert in access Thank You
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    After adding Query

    I create a form with combo box. Then I added a button with query and combo box connected with button by using this code [Forms]![Form1]![Combo0]. If I add this the form Combo box only shows 1 value. If removed the code it shows all values. How to fix this?
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    DLOOKUP For Button

    This is my DLO0KUP Query Me.BalanceA = DLookup("Balance", "CardDetails", "CardNo='" & Me.Combo60 & "'") When I add this to Combo Box It work and show the result in the form field. But When I Add this to my Submit button it doesn't Work? Why is it?
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    Query Result view in Form Text Field

    I was created a Query to Update A table Field Value. Icreated a form and add button to run the query. The query is only update the field value of a table. So How can i show inmy form next to query submit button Result of the query (After run the Query Updated Field Value) . Please Help Me...
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    Pop up Message after click Submit Button

    I have two tables 1.Product (PID,QTY_Balance) 2.Add Product (RefeNo,PID,Amount) I created Form to Add Product Table. Also Create query to update QTY_Balance by in relevant product after add products by forms. Query Also Working No Issue. Now I want to Pop up Message "Your Balance is...
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    Unhine my Hidden Forms

    Manually I hide some form by right click and hide option in navigation pnael. Now i want to unhide thoose hidden form. How to Do That?
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    Form Flickering

    I was created a navgation form and added imahe to back ground. Now when i am opening it Flickering background buttons. How to fix it ?
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    Create report Via Button

    I was already created the Query to report. Now what i am want to do is when i click the button i want to view report. (not a table) Is thre any way to do that
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    Open Automatically Specified Form When I am Open Access

    I created Access Database with Forums. And I created Login Form Also. When I Open My Access File First automatically it ask to Login. It's Ok. Now I want to do it when i am Input correct user name and password I want to open automatically Onther Form. How to do it? Here is the Code in Login...
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    Primary Key Duplication Error Message

    How can i change Primary Key Dublication message in My Form. when I Duplicate Primary key in form it show " The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields...
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    Query Button Problem

    I created a Query when i Run it it it work perfectly. Then I Add Query to New Button It also Worked. When I add Query to Add Record but using marco add query it run but dont update rows. But when I run it in new button it update Records. What is the Issue
  15. B

    Update Field by Form

    I was already created Form for CardTopUp by using CardTopUp Table. It has These fields. CardNo Amount There is another table CardDetails It has these fields. CardNo Balance In this field there is a amount . What i want to do it when iTop up my card using CardTopUp form, when click submit...
  16. B

    Update Table by Form

    I have two tables. 1. CardDetails Fields: CardNo Balance 2.CardTopUp Fields : CardNo Amount I created a form using CardTopUp Table. What i Want to do is when i click submit button 1. Insert the record to Cardtopup table 2.Update only...
  17. B

    Form Problem

    Hello I am Very Very New Student For MS Access.I have a Problem in my Access Data base I have Tables 1. BusStops It has these fields. BusStopID BustopName 2. BusFare In this table Have these fields StartBusStop EndBustop Fare As a example i entered fare for between two bus top. as...
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