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  1. J

    Stock update

    Hi, Can you take a look at my stock database? I am having trouble updating the stock when I run the query "Parts Below Min Stock." I'm not sure what is going on with that. Thanks for your help. Joe, Michigan.
  2. J

    Check form

    Hi Access World, I was just wondering if you can check out my data base, specifically the form. When I enter the new record, it's not showing up on the table parts. Also, the buttons I put in doesn't seem to working either. I would appreciate any advice that you can give me. Thank you...Joe...
  3. J

    a couple inventory questions

    Hi Access World, Hope all is well. I have a couple questions regarding my database inventory project for my class. I'm trying to set up a reorder alert and not sure how to go about that. I tried running a query called qreorder, but it didn't seem to work when I ran it. I put a criteria in...
  4. J

    auto populate a form from a combo box

    Hi Access World, First post here. I am trying to auto populate a form from one combo box. For example I would like to select item name and have it automatic put in the category, room, location, price per item, quantity in stock, and quantity sold. Also, when I select the vendor id it would...
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