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  1. A

    Combobox dropdown list

    I have a combo box with rowsource Select cust_name from customers order by cust_name. When i type text in the combo-box , the list portion of the combo-box automatically scrolls to display the matching values if a name starts with the text i have typed. For eg. if i type "C" the list portion...
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    Backup database online ?

    I read a lot of threads and some KB articles before this, but am still confused. Can a copy of the BE database be made on the Server while users are logged on ? Max No. of users is 7. Does copying a BE while work is going on lead to corruption in the database. Right now i make a copy of the...
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    Move mouse pointer away from dropdown area of combobox

    I have faced a problem. Lets say the mouse pointer (unintentionally or randomly) currently is positioned over the dropdown area of a combobox. the combobox's autoexpand property is set to true and i get the combobox to dropdown when the user presses anything on the keyboard. Now if the...
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    Strange error with subform - please help

    I have a bound form with a bound subform which is in continuous or datasheet view. I have been experiencing a strange problem of late. After i complete the first record of the subform and then move on to the second record , sometimes i get strange messages like :- 1) The Microsoft Jet Database...
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    Strange Combo problem

    i have noticed some strange problems with comboboxes that occur for once in 20 times or so. When it drops down some rows are shown absolutely blank (no data at all) visually but they behave absolutely normally otherwise !!!! the comboboxes have autoexpand turned on which is a necessity for me...
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    Tables in a query

    I need to know the names of tables from which a SQL select query pulls in data. For eg. if the query is select * from bills inner join customers on bills.cust_id=customers.cust_id i will pass the SQL string as an argument to the function and it should return a string "bills;customers" which...
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    Scroll a list box

    My problem is this :- I have a text box and a list box in a form. When the user types in something in the text-box i want the closest matching record (based on the first column) of the list box to be scrolled to. For eg. Text in Text box is Kan Then the list box should scroll to records...
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    Numeric fields Alignment in a list box

    While using list boxes i noticed that numeric fields were getting left aligned in the columns. Is there any way to get them right aligned ?
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    Maximize Application

    How do i maximise my application window using VBA code ?
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    Password on DB - how secure ?

    Access offers a simple technique of setting a password on database Tools -> Security -> Set Database Password In the Access documentation, it is mentioned that if u forget the database password, the database is unrecoverable. But i have seen and used softwares that recover the password...
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    Speeding up linked tables

    I have observed that if u refresh path of / link tables from an external database (the backend) and if the backend is currently in use by some-one else on the network (LAN in my case) it takes a lot of time compared to when no one else is using it. Is there any way to get around this?
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    Set the value of a public variable whose name is stored in a string

    Let's say i have variables :- mformname = "Form1" mvariable = "var1" Var1 is a public variable in Form1. i.e. the module of form1 contains the declaration Public var1 as integer How do i set the value of var1 provided i have only two string mformname, mvariable ? To elaborate , Just as a...
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    Export chart to other file formats

    The Export method of the chart object can be used to export it to other graphic formats such as bmp/gif etc. Can it also be exported to an excel sheet with datasheet of graph and graph ? How do i know about the file formats supported. Thank You.
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    Set toolbar text font

    How do i set the Access toolbar/menubar text fontname/size/bold thru VBA code ? Thank You.
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    Names of computers on network.

    How do i get the names of the computers (the ones u see on entering network neighbourhood/ My network places) currently on the LAN using VBA code ? Thanks in advance.
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    Setting Printing Orientation - Portrait vs. Landscape thru code.

    How can i set a particular form's printing orientation to landscape / portrait if needed thru VBA code ? The scenario is like this. My client often selects the columns to print from a datasheet using Unhide Columns... and i can calculate the total columnwidth of the visible columns. Based on...
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    Linked Forms Possible ?

    The scenario is like this :- I have 4 databases A.mdb,B.mdb,C.mdb and another one commonforms.mdb. A,B and C have 10 forms in common and they are contained in commonforms.mdb (and in A,B and C too as of now). What i want is that i keep those 10 forms only in commonforms.mdb and create "links"...
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    Execution path of a query ?

    Is it possible to see the execution path taken by a query and if so , how ?
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    Problem editing queries

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    Changing subform's currentview

    I want to be able to change a subform to form-view / datasheet view when the main form is open in form view (not in design view) using VBA code preferably using the open event procedure of the main form. How can it be done?
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