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  1. L

    Linking 2 sub-forms

    I'm following a guide to link 2 subforms. Can't seem to post the link here but mdb is attached. Aim is to have an outlook style 2 vertical forms next to each other. One master subform on left is tasks list datasheet called keydates. On right is detail of the task that has focus. The...
  2. L

    Expanding Note Field

    Hi, I have a datasheet form with notes field. How can I expand the notes field when it gets focus, to allow a much larger writing area, with greater height/width then when not in focus. Preferably, the expanded notes field won't push the datasheet columns to the right, but will just hover...
  3. L

    Pipes in MS-Access sql

    Does MS-Access allow usage of pipes in sql query? eg. ¦¦ I have a query below suggested for sqlite using pipes. When I try to use it in MS-Access, I get an error because of the pipes. What should I replace that with to make this query work? select t.students, class...
  4. L

    Reducing rows in sql query

    I have below query, with 3 tables 1. Client table - (fields = ID (primary) , Surname) 2. Case table - (fields = ID (primary), Reference) 3. ClientCase-Join - joining table (fields = ID (primary), ClientID (foreign), CaseID (foreign)) SELECT Client.Surname, Case.Reference FROM [Case]...
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