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  1. JMongi

    Event Order Reference that includes VBA exceptions or differences

    I have the following page bookmarked: Is there a similar type of reference which incorporates the exceptions or differences when data is modified via VBA? (Edited for typos...
  2. JMongi

    Outline of textbox isn't showing thickness correctly

    When the border thickness is 2pt or less it just shows a thin light gray line. When the border thickness is 3pt it definitely shows a 3pt line, all thick and black like it's set to. Any idea what is going on? I've tried changing things back and forth numerous times. Only thing I haven't done...
  3. JMongi

    Excel VBA Declarations

    I'm used to putting "Option Explicit" and "Compare Database" at the top of my VBA. What is the comparable declarations for Excel VBA.
  4. JMongi

    Trouble getting Textbox as Checkbox to function

    See this thread by @CJ_London for reference: The formatting doesn't appear to be working as intended. Clicking on the form control still tries to enter text in the field even when...
  5. JMongi

    Showing list of subrecords tied to the main record

    My idea for the form I'm working on is to have a section that is a compilation of addable "subrecords" for lack of a better description. 1.User completes main part of form 2. User adds a variable number of subrecords using command buttons (click button, fill out subform, save). 3. These...
  6. JMongi

    Am I Structuring This Correctly? Optional combobox attached to the main record

    I have a few different bound comboboxes that have a query (just the full list table plus a conactenation field) as record source for list selection. They store the FK in the main record. Howver, not all of these are required on the main records and I enable/disable the combo boxes as needed...
  7. JMongi

    Order of Events in an Option Group

    So, here's an interesting one. What is the order of exectution of OnClick events when a toggle button in an option group is selected? Per MS, the Option Group frame OnClick event fires in the order of BeforeUpdate/AfterUpdate/OnClick. But, the info on the OnClick event for an individual...
  8. JMongi

    Trouble Creating Unbound Option Group (Radio Button)

    I have the form control wizard toggle turned on, but when I go to create an unbound option group the wizard doesn't launch and I just get one radio button as part of my option group. I'm sure I can figure out the manual way to add more eventually, but, it would be a lot faster for the wizard to...
  9. JMongi

    Service Record Form Null Check not working as expected

    I have a button that is going to use DateDiff to calculate service call times. I put a basic check in to verify that there are values in the two fields but it doesn't seem to be working as intended. I fear this is something super basic, please help. Private Sub btnEndTime_Click() Dim dt As...
  10. JMongi

    Can you create a table in your back end while open in the front end?

    There are some older posts that imply that functionality MIGHT exist.
  11. JMongi

    Is FileSystemObject a blocking call?

    I can't seem to find a definitive answer. Related to this would be if anyone has a list of blocking/non-blocking calls. You might also describe it as synchronous/asynchronous. For example, a shell object method is fired off as an asynchrounous call, passing along its info the the shell and...
  12. JMongi

    Overwriteing a script file while it is running....good, bad, indifferent?

    Not intentionally I ended up using a script to copy all files in a server location to a local location. One of those files happened to be the same script I was running. The local script file DOES get updated by the "old" script. Is this due the the script engine quickly reading in the entire...
  13. JMongi

    Access/Jet Backend Share Permissions

    I assume that all database users will need full permissions to the local network share that contains the backend, else Access couldn't write to the database. Split Database; Backend on network share; Fronend on local computers Is this correct?
  14. JMongi

    Options for Dealing With Trusted Locations

    I'm working on establishing the best methods for our company to setup and distribute a basic split DB setup (Jet BE on server share; individual FEs locally). I have my scripts working to copy files to local FEs. The only thing I'm lacking at the moment is an automated way to ensure code can be...
  15. JMongi

    Server Configuration Help

    Our current file server needs replaced (running Windows Server 2008 and highly usage) and we are likely to do so in 4Q. I don't have enough background knowledge to know about the total server costs (aside from hardware). Licensing and all that. Our 3rd party IT company is quoting between $12K...
  16. JMongi

    Can I keep reusing a file system object or do I need to create multiple objects?

    So, I'm working on my App launch script and trying to streamline things. I would like to use one file system object for everything but I have no idea if that will cause problems or not. Here is some sample code. Not all variables are defined within this codeblock. Dim oFSO Set oFSO =...
  17. JMongi

    Solved Is there an important difference between scripting.filesystemobject and wscript.filesystemobject?

    Microsoft help docs use scripting.fileystemobject. I also have some code samples that use that. But, I also have some codesamples that use wscript. I've seen posts on here using both. I know that wscript is a windows module that translates vbscript. Is there any appreciable difference...
  18. JMongi

    Should I worry about the time needed to run DLookup on a session log table?

    One of my login functions checks for any outstanding sessions still running on another computer. I just realized as time "keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping...into the future..." that my log file will get longer and longer and thus my Dlookup might start taking too long to run...
  19. JMongi

    Can I use a module property the same as I use a function in an SQL statement?

    I stumbled across the idea of defining certain items as properties instead of functions and I like the idea incorporating intellisense and other things that will keep my brain slightly more organized. However, before I jump fully in I want to make sure that the following is still possible...
  20. JMongi

    Excel VBA Failing on one particular laptop

    Anyone run into a situation where a stable macro failed on just one laptop? Any ideas on what to look for? I've checked refererences, added debug displays. Can't seem to figure out A. What is happening. B. Why it's happening. It's related to pulling the username and saving the file...
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