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  1. B

    Import Excel CSV Specific Cells to MS Access Table

    I have a CSV delimited file with row data that I want to transfer to MS Access columns. MS Access is already open; I have a button on Access form to import Excel to the table. For instance, In the CSV file cell b1 and b2 have this data: JPWestfield 8/1/2019 Customer and date are columns in...
  2. B

    Insert a blank row in Excel after Access export to Excel

    I have created an Excel Template. In Access I export data from a query to the Excel Template which works fine and it opens the Excel template so I can see the data that it exported. With the Excel template still open, how do I, with VBA, insert a blank row when column A date changes? Example in...
  3. B

    How to create a temp table from concatenated fields that vary in length

    I have a parts table. In it there are two fields that have string info (Customer and CPN). For instance: Parts Table Example: PartNo Customer CPN 1678 Yen/Stick/Pearson Yen: 2321*Stick: 52344J/45*Pearson: Hy45 1679 Carson Cy8911 1680 1681 Harry's In the example...
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