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  1. B

    Solved Query Iif to show all or equal ID

    I told you this was awkward... and now I feel embarrassed. I got it working with your suggestion @arnelgp from post #2, thank you very much. Cheers, Bruno.
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    Solved Query Iif to show all or equal ID

    I figured out the logic. If [EmployeeTypeID] = 2, >1, If [EmployeeTypeID] = 3 , >2, 4 --> this will verify is the user is a manager [2] or supervisoor [3], then show the respective records. The same approach should work for [EmployeeManager]. Now, this is awkward... I changed the location...
  3. B

    Solved Query Iif to show all or equal ID

    Hey arnelgp, I tried your suggestion, but it didn't work; the query returns empty.
  4. B

    Solved Query Iif to show all or equal ID

    Hey arnelgp, thanks, but I got the EmployeeTypeID working fine. My problem is when I try to enter the criteria in the EmployeeManager field (I'm trying to add different criteria to different fields). Cheers!
  5. B

    Solved Query Iif to show all or equal ID

    Hi guys. I'm in a corner here, I have tried several approaches but none worked. I have a query based on my employee table and I want it to filter the employee list depending on two fields: EmployeeTypeID...
  6. B

    Solved DSUM with multiple criteria

    Guys, I figured it out... @arnelgp put me in the right direction. Here is the working formula: BalanceApproved: Val(DSum("Nz([AmountCredit],0)-Nz([AmountDebit],0)","qryTransactionsExtended","[EmployeeID]=" & [tblTransactions].[EmployeeID] & " AND [TransactionID]<=" & [TransactionID] & " AND...
  7. B

    Solved DSUM with multiple criteria

    Hey @arnelgp, thanks for the reply. I did wrap it up with quotes, but I still got the same error. At the end of your formula, it looks like you have one-too-many parenthesis. Cheers, Bruno.
  8. B

    Solved DSUM with multiple criteria

    Balance: Val(DSum("nz( [AmountCredit] ,0)-nz( [AmountDebit] ,0)","qryTransactionsExtended","EmployeeID =" & [tblTransactions].[EmployeeID] & "and [TransactionID]<=" & [TransactionID])) Yes, this formula is working fine, I don't know how to add the third criteria.
  9. B

    Solved DSUM with multiple criteria

    Hello everyone. I'm having problems with a balance query I started. So far, I got it working with two criteria. My problem is when I add my third one [TrainingRequestStatus]="Approved". Balance: Val(DSum(Nz([AmountCredit],0)-Nz([AmountDebit],0),"qryTransactionsExtended","[EmployeeID]=" &...
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