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  1. BusyBeeBiker

    Solved Calculated UnBound Field Throwing #Error - Part 2

    A bit like a prize fighter slugging away at this one, getting a bit punch drunk so asking for assistance. See attached screenshot: If you look at Holidays Left (field txtLeft) it throwing the error message #Name?. What this field should do is to generate Holidays Left based on a...
  2. BusyBeeBiker

    Solved Calculated UnBound Field Throwing #Error

    I have a system which logs Absences for Individuals - Holiday, Sickness, etc. General layout below. What I want to do is to show No of Absences taken for different absence types, this is done by using Absence Type Filter (see Green Filter Combo field top left). Field Name: cmbAbsenceCode -...
  3. BusyBeeBiker

    Solved Duplication of Message prompt in Change Event

    Can anybody throw any light onto the thread I have posted in VBA Express. Duplication of Message Prompt ( I think the logic in my code flies, but can't figure out the event behaviour that is occurring in the Change event when MsgBox command fires. Need a another pair of eyes on...
  4. BusyBeeBiker

    Solved Multiple Record Creation

    I have a main form (frmPersonnel) with multiple tabs and sub-forms When I select Add New Record, it opens a nice new shiny blank record for completion. As you would expect I add a Save or Abandon Record Option, which is where the problem is occurring. 1. On Save Option - saves the record BUT...
  5. BusyBeeBiker

    Blank Record addition on Opening Form

    On opening access form frmPersonnel, 2 blank records are added to the underlying table tblPerson. It only happens when the form is initially opened. Below is the coding for this form for Open, Load and Current events Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If glbHandleErrors Then On Error...
  6. BusyBeeBiker

    Solved Error 3159 Bookmark not Valid

    1. I have a form frmPersonnel which logs persons name address etc. 2. On that form I have a new record button which brings up new record based upon click event below: DIM strBookMark as variant - Set at top of form module frmPersonnel so available to all sub procedures in module. Private Sub...
  7. BusyBeeBiker

    Hello Everyone

    Been using Access on and off for the last 30 years. I'm old enough to have worked with its predecessor Ashton Tates dBase!! Now in my dotage as a retiree, keeping the old grey matter active by developing an Access database system for a charity called Walton Lea Partnership that provide...
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