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  1. K

    Linking access with outlook

    Hi, I have a form which is used to give appointments. I need these appointments to show up in outlook calendar. I have successed partially by using following vba code in public function and then calling on this function in the VBA code of the form: Public Function AddAppointment(ByVal BD As...
  2. K

    Updating textbox populated by vba code

    Hi, I have a textbox on my form which is populated by VBA code. I want this details to be updated in a query as soon as I type in the data / by the time I move to the next textbox. A pop up form has to display the data in the query. I have placed the following code on the change event of the...
  3. K

    Subform not showing correct data

    I am in the process of developing my first database. This db is only for my personal use. I will try to explain my problem as best as possible. Since explanation only is propably not going to be enough, I am attaching my database with dummy data. Here's how the database works: Welcome screen...
  4. K

    Manually adding data to a autopopulating text box

    I have an bound textbox which is set up to autopopulate with data depending on entries in other parts of the same / other forms. Its coding is as follows: txtProblemList = DLookup("Diagnosis", "qryDiagnosis", "PatientID=" & [Forms]![frmPatient]![PatientID]) & " " & Me.txtPastMxHx & " " &...
  5. K

    Using form to both enter data and view already entered data

    I'm in the process on developing this database and am stuck at a certain point despite trying for a whole day. I'm very new to access and this is my first database. I have this form called frmPatient which is used to enter baseline data about patients and a form called frmVisit which is used to...
  6. K

    Search as you type

    Hi, I have 2 textboxes on my form (Namefilter and BirthYear filter) and have set them up to filter the data entered in my tables as i type (real time search as I type). I need the 2nd filter (birthyear) to filter the results obtained by the first filter, but at the moment when I type in the...
  7. K

    Prevent duplication of records in the entry form

    I've been trying to prevent dupicate entries into a linked form by using the above advice but without success. My form (frmVisit) is autopopulated by clicking a command button (New visit) on the main form (frmPatient). I want to show a message if a duplicate value for the combination of patient...
  8. K

    Real time update of field in form

    Hi, I ve attached a small sample database below. In the frmCalcium form I need the Range box to be updated real time as i type in the values in the calcium field. I ve set up the vba code to the after update event of the calcium text box, but then i have to click on another field for the range...
  9. K

    Subform opening as new record

    I have attached my database below. The frmPatients for has a toggle which brings up frmVisit. This form had a subform under investigation results tab page. I have set the frmVisit to automatically create a new visitID when i type in details. When I enter data into the subform I need this to go...
  10. K

    Year of birth from age

    Hi, I have a form which contains the fields "first visit date" (contains today's date in date/time format), age and birth year (as number). I want to caculate the year of birth by filling the other 2 fields. I wrote the following code for this but it doesn't work. Private Sub...
  11. K

    Edit listbox entries

    Hi, I am trying to create a form where i have a list box from which I want to choose items which can be populated into a textbox bound to a field in a table. 1. I need to be able to enter multiple values into the textbox using the list box 2. I need to be able to remove an already entered item...
  12. K

    Inserting data from combo box to table

    Hi, I have a patient related database where there are 2 tables - tblPatient (primary key Patient ID) which includes patient details like name etc and tblVisit (primary key VisitID) which includes data recorded at each patient visit like visit date and blood test results. To join these 2 tables I...
  13. K

    Settings limits in VBA

    Hi, I'm new to vba on access. I'm trying to set up a calculation for a score called MELD score where MELD Score = (0.957 * ln(Creatinine) + 0.378 * ln(Bilirubin) + 1.120 * ln(INR) + 0.643 ) * 10 I've set up the coding on a command button (MELD calc) as follows: Private Sub Meld_calc_Click()...
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