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  1. L

    Solved Syntax

    Dear Forum, the Application.FollowHyperlink works well, however I make several png images per day. What should the syntax be like if I want to use a variable for (20). Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private S As String Private X As Integer Private Sub Knop6_Click() X = 1 S =...
  2. L


    Saw this: what a nice app that is. Have taken the liberty to change it slightly. It seems to me that choosing a certain color is now visually a little easier. Have fun with it, greetings Lampje.
  3. L

    Solved in a form or a subform

    Forum, wants to ask with vba if I am in a form or a subform. Not the name, but for example 1(form) or 2(subform) Greeting, L
  4. L

    Solved Gap Buttons

    Considered Forum, a number of buttons (Fig 1) can be visible/invisible at will (Fig 2). With the code I get the result in (Fig 3), but I can't get it as (Fig 4). Would you like to help me find the right code? For x = 1 To 8 If Me("B" & x).Visible = True Then Me("B" & x).Move...
  5. L

    Solved Syntax

    Forum, you want to help me with the right syntax. Now get an error message that the element is not found.
  6. L

    Solved Case Is "^"

    Forum, if one is on a Dutch keyboard " or ^ type the program waits for the next entry. This is normal in a Dutch way. With an arithmetic function, this causes problems. Is there a possibility to fix this with some function? Case Is = "^" does not see the program, only when one types a two ^...
  7. L

    Solved How to read a contolname

    Dear Forum, is it possible to read out the name of the control by mouseover, via a procedure or something similar. Normally this is possible with for example: Private Sub s1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) Dim ht As String ht =...
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