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  1. D

    Help with Combo Box Update

    Hi, I have a deactivate user form and the form is able to update the deactivation status. However, I faced this problem and need some advise 1) After I update, my tblUser first record user name is changed (E.g. after i update amy, the first row record user will change to amy and I will have 2...
  2. D

    Solved Help with create new record and password

    Hi, I need some help for my Access form 1) create new user, the password dosent seems tally with the one that i enter 2) how to use sha256 when creating new user 2) if i import a list of password with sha256 value, how do i make the login works Or is there any other ways to encrypt the...
  3. D

    Listbox value not save

    Hello, I am very new to Access. I created a simple form to explore and learn. I have this table, tblstudent and it contains these fields (ID, StudentID, FName, Interest). Interest, is a multi-select listbox. I created a button to save the record but it is not saving my multi-select items. Or I...
  4. D


    Hello, I am trying to learn Ms Access. Hope to learn from expert here
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