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  1. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    Maybe another idea: What do I need to put in the control source in the report What i tried so far is: =[Report].[OpenArgs] the column of the "Maßnahmen" table
  2. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    I changed it to "Projekt_ID" but now it wants me to enter a parameter. I assume it is because "Projekt_ID" is not a column in the "Maßnahmen" table. Then i tried "ID" from the "Projekt" table then this error occurs: it means the datatype is in conflict in the criteria expression I logged the...
  3. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    Hope this helps. Those are the two affected tables.
  4. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    I adapted your code but the report is empty. Do i need to change something with the Textboxes in the report? My previous code looks similar to yours which is adapted from allen browne. The code looks likes this if it helps: Private Sub Auswahl_Button_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler Dim...
  5. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    I want to multi select the project name and display all the different columns based on the selection And this is how the form looks with the multi select list box: Hope this helps!
  6. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    Because in step 9 he created a text box in the report with this as control source. What I mean is that my report has different text boxes for each column in my table. How do I need to fill (in control source) to display the columns depending and the multi select list box from the form? I hope...
  7. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    do I set a text box for each column with "=[Report].[OpenArgs]" as control source?
  8. G

    Use a multi-select list box to filter a report

    I followed the instructions of allen browne ( in order to filter a report with a multi-select list box. But how do i need to design the report in order to display different columns of a table? According to step 9 of the instructions linked above i need to change the...
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