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  1. RobertLund

    Thank you all for giving up your time and expertise.

    Many thanks for allowing me into your world of Access, I’m a newbie who has decided to re-learn Access as a hobby, having used it in it’s infancy, probably 40yrs ago now, in the age of reel-to-reel :) - I have just started a project to catalogue my records/CD collection, and am pulling in all...
  2. RobertLund

    Sort on field with numbers entered as text

    I did try that at first, and it worked. But It’s a linked excel table that is not under my control, and I just need to use it as a read only source of information.
  3. RobertLund

    Sort on field with numbers entered as text

    thank you everyone for your help with this. I do have NULL record values to eliminate in the table, so this is the query: SELECT tblSheetMusic.FirstHitsNumber, tblSheetMusic.Title FROM tblSheetMusic WHERE (((tblSheetMusic.FirstHitsNumber) Is Not Null)) ORDER BY...
  4. RobertLund

    Sort on field with numbers entered as text

    I have a text field which number the records, and need to sort as if the numbers are actually numbers. If I sort now, I get 1,11,2,21, etc. because the values are text equivalents of numbers. Is there a function, as in Excel’s =Value(text) that I can use?
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