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  1. F

    Unbound Form

    Hi, Last month I posted a query on this forum. It solved my problem to the extent that the form being used was a bound form. I am now trying to make it work with an unbound form in my specific scenario. The relevant code is posted here as well. Private Sub cboToLoc_AfterUpdate() Dim lngDispID...
  2. F

    Saving data to table using unbound form in MS Access 2010

    Hi, i have a database with extension .accdb. In the VBA code for Save button, following code is written. ' Create Variables Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection Dim rstcontact As ADODB.Recordset Dim strCnn As String ' Open a connection. Set cnn1 = ADODB.Connection mydb =...
  3. F

    Solved Envelope Number Assignment in unbound form field

    Hi all, I have created an unbound form in Access wherein I enter customer names, cities and invoice numbers being sent to them. i also have current date field and customerID fields on the form. Every thing on my form works as per my requirement and without any errors, except for one - the...
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