Search results

  1. N

    Need feedback on database

    I am kinda new to MS Access, and don't have very much knowledge on VB and SQL. There are 54 box of scratch-off tickets, everynight I scan the ticket barcodes and dB will separate the ticket number and pack no from the scanned barcode. Scratch off Dollar value = Total Number of tickets in a...
  2. N

    Report shows blank with no data

    I am having this problem, If I click to open a report from a form, no data. But if I open the report directly it shows perfectly.
  3. N

    Need help creating a database for tracking lottery ticket sales.

    I am trying to create a daily lottery counting database, in which I can scan the lottery everynight and at the end it tells me how many tickets I sold and the dollar amount. I am using excel as of right now. I've got it nailed down in excel but I have to enter all the number manually. Now for...
  4. N

    Connected table search

    I have the following items in the database Tables 1. tbl_VendorList (ID=PrimaryKey, Vendors(Names) 2. tbl_VendorInvoice (Vendor field = [ID from Table 1] you can see the names but they're all connected to VendorList tbl, also contais other information) Queries 1. frm_Search Forms 1...
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