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    Hide unused fields when using multiple columns

    if you lay out an example of a table and a report, you will get a solution faster

    Replace (Ctrl + H) with Newline character in VBE

    it can be configured to replace the word you are looking for or a module for processing

    Replace (Ctrl + H) with Newline character in VBE

    Sub mod_edit_debug() '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '' sometimes I use something like this code '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim obj As AccessObject Dim mdl As Module Dim sname As String Dim j1 As Long, j1k As Long Dim s1 As String, s1a As...

    tab stop problem, I think.

    sometimes this is a consequence of cyclical AUTOCORRECT, the most unpredictable errors due to it

    Solved Help to build a treeview

    such a filter is much more informative 1- hooked on a string 2 looked where it goes 3 what does it include

    Solved Help to build a treeview

    moreover, according to my version, you can go like your tree, only the screen is not so beautiful although, if necessary, it is apparently possible to correct this shortcoming

    Solved Help to build a treeview

    this is exactly the main thing - the user does not know what he is looking for, so it is important to cling to at least something with a table of 36,000+ records, this is important, then it is not difficult to go to a higher level to see the entire series for this group of diseases or to a...

    Solved Help to build a treeview

    it is too difficult to search in the tree - I prefer the usual ribbon, continuous form with 1- a few words for filtering 2- navigation up/down the hierarchy you can add a checkbox to transfer the selected items to a form with operational information

    Fast Code Sample

    I compared reading and writing to 85,000 records for reading 40-45 percent were very impressed with the record gave mostly 10-15 percent , not enough '~~~~reading from a table~~~~85000 rec Slow: 899 msec Fast: 468 msec '~~~ 52.0578420467186 % '~~~ 56.1676646706587 % '~~~ 58.5485854858549...
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Solved How to filtering by List box as like cascading combo box

    I didn't find where the PAGE_NO list is used in three lists, multiple choice is applied - so far I ignored the first three lists and the year and month I form a filter, which is called by the FILTER button left the button - reset the filter
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Short Text limited to 50 characters?

    parametr ms access
  12. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Show all records if combobox empty but report shows blank first page

    I don't understand this built-in query - it just counts the balance for the day before the report, i.e. it is a fixed value why not take it out of the SELECT in FROM
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Form to add data to multiple records

    instead of a list, I use a pop-up form in which you can not only select the existing text, but also add a completely new text or duplicate the old one for correction
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Preview and Print Report on Rolls Paper (XP-80)

    perhaps I would have gone this way - grouping of the report by account number - the height of the group header is fixed, contains the account number, table, date.... information, - the height of the group note is also fixed, contains the amount of the price, discount, paid amount... information...
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Solved What is the correct way to linearly insert text into Word?

    since the days of FoxPro DOS, I have been doing the bulk of reports in HTML format (in the main 20-40 tags) from all ACCESS, EXCEL,.... - code visibility - convenient to view in the browser - opens for revision in EXCEL if necessary - convenient to print in WORD - provides automatic selection of...
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Unwanted different first two pages in a report

    I was more alarmed by the non-standard size of the report page (width = 33 cm) and the alignment of the figures of different heights in the center
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Group all matching records to search word

    I usually use this method 1- character-by-character search for any field 2- sometimes a list box 3- for dates - two fields (the beginning and the end of the period), and it is not necessary to fill in both fields 4- for sums - similarly as a rule, I prescribe the formation of a temporary...
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Is there any VBA code for MS Access which will return name of all the Queries, Reports, Form and Modules from the DB

    it is extremely rare for me to have blocks of text larger than 10 lines, usually I separate sub-blocks of text with a line of apostrophes with a comment (assignment) of the block I use margins, but no more than 2 per subblock - for me it is more important that the entire code fits into the...
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Is there any VBA code for MS Access which will return name of all the Queries, Reports, Form and Modules from the DB

    var2-mod Sub mreport() ''my first, simplest code''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''drawback: tables and queries in the same container ''therefore, then I skipped 3 containers ''1- containers for forms/reports/modules/macros ''2 -tabledefs for tables ''3 -querydefs for queries Dim dbs As DAO.Database...
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Is there any VBA code for MS Access which will return name of all the Queries, Reports, Form and Modules from the DB

    Sub mreport() ''my first, simplest code''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''drawback: tables and queries in the same container ''therefore, then I skipped 3 containers ''1- containers for forms/reports/modules/macros ''2 -tabledefs for tables ''3 -querydefs for queries Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim doc...
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