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  1. R

    Use of MonthName

    I've created a birthday report that groups birthdays by month, then sorts by day. I have a heading for each month written: =MonthName(DatePart("m",[DOB])) DOB is date of birth. However I have a few null values for DOB, so, of course, the null records are grouped under the heading: #type! Is...
  2. R

    Linking backend in Access runtime

    I created a database for someone to use on their computer. They do not have the full ACCESS application, so I loaded the runtime version on their computer. I split the database so that I could make changes to the front end without changing any of the data in their tables. Both the FE and the...
  3. R

    Error handling code

    I have the following code for a “On No Data” event: Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer) MsgBox "Nothing to print.", vbCritical, "No data" Cancel = True End Sub On all of my reports, if there is no data, when I close the message box, I get another window that says: “The Open Report...
  4. R

    Navigation Form

    I am using a Navigation Form. One of the subforms is frmOcupation. On that form is a button which opens a popup form, popupOccupationAdd, in which I can add a new record. I have a where expression that automatically inserts the memberID from frmOccupation. I enter the remaining information...
  5. R

    List Item Edit Form

    I have a navigation form, “frmMain.” One form in the navigation form is “frmPastorViewEdit,” which I understand is a subform of frmMain. In the subform is a combo box “cmbEccBody” The bound column is “PresbyID” The combo box has in its List Item Edit Form property “frmPresytery” where one can...
  6. R

    Function for a form text box

    I copied the following function from a website but edited it to reflect the name of the birth date field: Public Function AgeYears(ByVal BirthDate As Date) As Integer ' Comments: Returns the age in years ' Params : BirthDate Date to check ' Returns : Number of years ' Source : Total Visual...
  7. R

    Make a required field conditional.

    I have a form in which I have a check box to indicate whether a member is a ruling elder. Another field is a combo box with the names of churches. If the ruling elder box is checked, I want the church field to be required. I know very little VBA, so I copied one that I hoped would work...
  8. R


    I am retired after working 40 years in the non-profit world . I have lived all my life in the mid-west, except for three years in New Jersey for graduate school. I have used Access quite a bit, but know VERY little VBA.
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