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  1. Garcimat

    Calling variables on SQL

    Hi guys how do I call a variable inside a sql query ? I can do it on the sql server but no with access. I want to use the value from a combo box as filter, actually several combos :) Dim sql As String Dim varCMB As Variant ' value from the combo box varCMB = Me.cmbSection sql = "SELECT* FROM...
  2. Garcimat

    Visualize SQL Query Result

    Hi Guys Is there a way to see the result of a SQL query on access like we have on the SQL Server ? for example I have this query Dim sql As String sql = "SELECT * FROM tblOrder Where OrderStatus = ""In Progress""" And I would like to see the result so I can make changes, sorry if it sounded...
  3. Garcimat

    ListBox x Subform DoubleClick()

    Hi guys I have a list box on my form with data from a query, in the double click event it would collect the data from the record clicked, send it to another query and then open a form with that specific record. I want to change the format (as an visual alarm) when that record expire, not...
  4. Garcimat

    Date and Time - TextBox

    Hi guys I hate work with date and times, on the record table these fields are Date/Time on my form the text boxes show like this (with values) even when they are not enabled. I have tried to use .value=empty and still no success, I want these fields to be blank like the others. thank you
  5. Garcimat

    Problem with dates.... Alarm, Automatic SMS

    Hi Guys I have this date entry form, (IMAGE1) the user have to input the TIME (typing) Day (combo box) and DATE (Date Picker) I know It is silly but it has to be done like this, it is a legal requirement that the user write/choose this information. The record inputted will generate a active...
  6. Garcimat

    Range Variable is it possible ?

    Hi guys I would like to assign a range of values to one variable.... var1km = 10 to 50 var2km= 55-70 var3km =85-200 I can not allow overlapping..... for example when I give permission to someone to work between 10 and 50km I can not have a second work group working in the same limits.... I am...
  7. Garcimat

    Solved Search and Change values in a table

    Hi guys I want to search the table and when some conditions are achieved I want to change the value in one of the fields, I am trying the code below but it is not working... Thanks in advance. Private Sub ModifyStatus() Dim i As Integer Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Set db = CurrentDb...
  8. Garcimat

    Open form based in a specific record

    I want to open a form based in 3 conditions 2 conditions will come from global variables the third one is a value from the tbl_data When I double click in the list SWO Number will send the value to the global variable gvar_SwoNumber and PTF Number will send the value to the global variable...
  9. Garcimat

    Open form with specific record

    Hi guys I can’t get it to work, my form opens with a random record. double click in a list box > get values from columns with global variables (variants)> open form with the record based on the variants…. Coding below Private Sub lst_ActivePermits_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) 'On Error GoTo...
  10. Garcimat

    Disabling the Access X “close”

    Hi guys I am trying to not allow users to close the application using the Access X button. I have an public variable called fcanIclose as Boolean here is the code: Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) If fcanIclose = False Then Cancel = True MsgBox "You cannot close using tis button.You...
  11. Garcimat

    Printing Current record

    Hi guys When I finish to collect the data in a form, I make the button to save the data available, I save the data as a new record, close the form and open a first page form…. I need to print only this “form” record. I have tried docmd.printout and current but prints all the records from the...
  12. Garcimat

    Solved Help with DMax()

    Hi guys I need help, I have a table with “SWO’s” it is like a work order…. Under one specific SWO I can have many “PTF’s” it is a secondary working order under the primary working order “SWO”. On my input form I have a field for the “PTF NUMBER” I want this field to be automatic, so it will...
  13. Garcimat

    Hello World

    Hi guys I used to develop 20 years ago, now I am back… so much new things to remember and learn. thank you
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