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  1. S

    Show / Hide Columns Easily in Datasheet

    For a datasheet, there is also the built-in command to hide and unhide columns: RunCommand acCmdUnhideColumns Steve
  2. S

    Library ACCDB Calls to Referencing Project Procedures?

    Eval() returns a function value. You can include parameters as part of the input string. Application.Run is normally used for calling a procedure in an external database that you open using automation. At least in my understanding... Steve
  3. S

    Library ACCDB Calls to Referencing Project Procedures?

    A simple test will verify that VBA code in the library can call a function in the front-end using code such as Eval("MyFrontEndFunction()"). I use this feature to emulate call-back functions that exist in the front-end but are called from the library.
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    Library ACCDB Calls to Referencing Project Procedures?

    A library function can call a front-end function using Eval(). This is also helpful if you have a library form that sometimes has the focus, in which case the library form does not see front-end functions that might be called from the ribbon. Instead, the ribbon can call a library function that...
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    Presume This is a Scam

    @Cotswold, I had that problem tool. The "Windows Update Assistant" worked for me. I can't post the link, so just search for it.
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    Color of Data Sheet

    I am not a fan of displaying query datasheets to users, just answering the original question. My first words were "A form is better"...
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    Color of Data Sheet

    If the query is a snapshot or has a Group By, users cannot edit the results.
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    Color of Data Sheet

    I meant "remember", not "remove"
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    Color of Data Sheet

    If you want the saved query to remove the property, you can add the property to the QueryDef and then do something like: CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Query1").Properties("DatasheetBackColor")=12574649
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    Color of Data Sheet

    A form is better, but you can manipulate many display properties in a query. For example, once the datasheet is opened: Screen.ActiveDatasheet.DatasheetBackColor=12574649 Screen.ActiveDatasheet.DatasheetAlternateBackColor = 12574649 Steve
  11. S

    Copy, Move, Rename, Delete file(s) with progress bar

    In your Type declaration, fAborted should be a Long, not a Boolean. It is declared in the Windows C++ header file as a BOOL, which is a Long integer in C++. Even though your type structure is misaligned, your functions do work, I believe, simply because you do not use fAborted or any of the...
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