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  1. M

    RTF textbox - report gets stuck on "formatting page"

    Thanks so much for the help! I think I'm going to have to shelve the idea of replacing the ActiveX-stuff for some time.
  2. M

    RTF textbox - report gets stuck on "formatting page"

    Yep, that removed the blank pages! Yes, I changed the text format property for the textbox back to plain text in the .accdb version. I agree. There are a few entries in the db I created without the RTF2 addon, with just a regular RTF textbox and they show up in the report just fine. Trouble is...
  3. M

    RTF textbox - report gets stuck on "formatting page"

    They aren't very big at all, at most about 15kB I believe. After turning off richtext I can open the report for an old entry without Access getting stuck at least. There isn't any formatting, of course, and every other page is blank but it opens at least.
  4. M

    RTF textbox - report gets stuck on "formatting page"

    Yep, I've recently upgraded to .accdb and I'm running Access 365 32-bit. Looking at the raw data in the db the old RTF looks like this: RTF "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;} ... And the raw RTF from when I've experimented with...
  5. M

    RTF textbox - report gets stuck on "formatting page"

    The report did use to have a module with some code related to the old ActiveX-control, but I removed it completely. No, me neither. 😅 When I tried to remove the different components of the report one by one and opening the report it seemed like it was the formatting of the RTF text that causes...
  6. M

    RTF textbox - report gets stuck on "formatting page"

    Hello everyone, I am trying to remove a dependency on Stephen Lebans RTF2 addon in a legacy Access application. In order to achieve this I need to replace all the ActiveX-controls in reports and forms with regular Access textboxes instead. However, when I do this in a report and Access tries to...
  7. M

    Hello everybody

    Thanks, losing more hair is the last thing I need..! 😅
  8. M

    Solved Trouble with an RTF2Toolbar

    Thanks! 😄 Edit for future reference, just in case someone else has similar problems: Asked a user to show me how they were working with RTF and it turns out they weren't even using the RTF2Toolbar; they had been using the built in version all along and it was just a question of deleting the...
  9. M

    Solved Trouble with an RTF2Toolbar

    I've been tasked with trying to figure out and fix a lot of bugs in a legacy Access application that is used in a lab environment to store very critical data in a SQL Server. The reference to Stephen Lebans RTF2Toolbar has stopped working, when it is called in the code (via DoCmd.ShowToolbar) it...
  10. M

    Hello everybody

    My name is Magnus and I'm from Sweden. Only been working as a developer for a year and have been trying to figure out a legacy Access application for the last six months. Joined Access World hoping to be able to exchange ideas and find help with some real headscratchers..!
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