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  1. scouser

    Close Open Form on Open New

    Hi. The form is not set to Modal. It is now working as previously stated. Thaks for taking time to review. Phil
  2. scouser

    Close Open Form on Open New

    I have put the following in the On_Load of frmSalesOrders. It works as required. Phil.
  3. scouser

    Close Open Form on Open New

    Hi to all. I have the code below that opens frmSalesOrders when clicked from frmCustomers. I have other buttons that utilize code DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name and they function as required. In this instance frmCustomers remains open behind the form called frmSalesOrders. Am I missing something...
  4. scouser

    Open Related Form When Click Field

    Hi. Just seen your post, that was quick! I managed resolve in the meantime. Thanks. Phil.
  5. scouser

    Open Related Form When Click Field

    OK, I have resolved. Phil.
  6. scouser

    Open Related Form When Click Field

    Hi. I would like to open Form B when a field is clicked in Form A. Form A = frmCustomerOrderHistory1 (OrderID) Form B = frmSalesOrders When user clicks OrderHistory (OrderID) I would like frmSalesOrders to open displaying the corresponding Order. I have tried: Any help much appreciated. Phil.
  7. scouser

    Search Form

    Strange one. I stripped the DB back to include only the form I wished to post about and it does not generate the issue! If I perform the same action in the main DB the issue remains. I will need to review. Phil.
  8. scouser

    Search Form

    Hi. I have a search button on a form (calls a macro). I have followed: to create the search box. The WHERE condition is: I have the following issues: OrderID values exist 1000 to 1008 If user searches 1050 (does not exist) the search opens a...
  9. scouser

    Divide By Zero with Nz?

    Can anyone see an issue with using the following: Margin: IIf([tblSalesOrderDetails].[LineTotal]-[tblSalesOrderDetails.CostPrice]<>0,Null,[tblSalesOrderDetails].[LineTotal]-[tblSalesOrderDetails.CostPrice])/[tblSalesOrderDetails].[LineTotal] Phil
  10. scouser

    Divide By Zero with Nz?

    Hi to all. A query is returning #Div/0!. The sum is as follows: Line Total = 0 CostPrice = 3.32 I thought the addition of Nz would resolve this but maybe I am adding incorrectly. Margin...
  11. scouser

    Return Order Value (IIF?)

    Thanks Minty, spot on. Phil.
  12. scouser

    Return Order Value (IIF?)

    Hi to all. The code below returns a zero if no payment has been made. I would like it to return the value for Sum([tblSalesOrderDetails].[LineTotal]) (i.e. whatever the order value is). Query code - SQL SELECT qrySalesOrders.OrderID, qrySalesOrders.CustomerName, qrySalesOrders.OrderDate...
  13. scouser

    Update Form Values

    Thanks for taking time to review my post. Phil.
  14. scouser

    Update Form Values

    I got there in the end.. =Nz(Sum([Total]),0) Thanks, Phil.
  15. scouser

    Update Form Values

    On the 'SumPayments' field I have tried the following: =Sum(IIf([Total]=NULL,0)) =Sum(IIf([Total]="",0)) =Sum(IIf([Total]=' ',0)) The field remains blank until a payment line is added or 'Deposit' tick box is checked.. The calculated fields then populate. Thanks Phil.
  16. scouser

    Update Form Values

    I have uploaded a version saved using Access 2013 (2007 compatible) Thanks, Phil.
  17. scouser

    Update Form Values

    Hi. I have access 2016. I can save in other versions is required. I think it may be saved in 2007-2013 format. Thanks Phil
  18. scouser

    Update Form Values

    Hi to all. In the attached database I have calculated fields on frmSalesOrders 'Order Balance' and subform frmPayments 'Total Payment' 'Order Balance' and hidden field 'SumPayments'. At present users must enter a blank payment for the calculated fields to populate (see attached Payment Form...
  19. scouser

    Update Form Values

    Hi JHB, many thanks. Me.Dirty = FALSE is a new one to me. I am in the process of implementing your advice by removing the calculated totals from the tables + tidying up the unwanted VB. Great work and much appreciated. Phil.
  20. scouser

    Update Form Values

    Here is the code I am trying to tweak... Private Sub cboProductName_AfterUpdate() Dim intTotalCost As Double 'Forms!frmPackages!TotalCostPrice = Me.ProductCost 'DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord intTotalCost = DSum("ProductCost", "[qryPackageSubForm]", "PackageID =...
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