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  1. A

    Is the scroll bar present/visible

    For a datasheet - I want to know if the horizontal *vertical* scroll bar is present/visible (because there are too many row to display). This does not happen often in the app and when it does the users forget to look to the right side for the scroll bars. This means I get calls for help...
  2. A

    Classes and Events with a SplitForm or DataSheet

    I have attached a database which contains a sample the issue I have. I am implementing a clsForm so I don't have to paste the same code in over and over again. My class works perfectly when the form is a Standard form or Continuous form --> All events fire in the class!!! YEA (Thank you JOHN...
  3. A

    VBA - How to get the number of decimal places for a table field

    As part of my development process I create a table which holds all table names, field names, field type etc... I think of it as a data dictionary. I review this to confirm I have been consistent in naming conventions, field size, etc... I have everything working just fine with one exception...
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