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  1. P

    CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") not working

    I'm not sure if it helps but I've just pasted this function into a new Access (v1908 Office 365) file, added the fnDownloadHTTP function from and it downloads the file.
  2. P

    Solved Modal Dialogs with Transparent Backgrounds

    They appear to be on; I haven't looked at the content eg
  3. P

    Column names and multi-cells to single cell

    Rather than use copy & paste (which can be problematic if the code takes long enough to run for you to do something else on your computer) why not just use formula? eg Sheets("STutor").Cells(dstRW, "B") = Sheets("Assign").Cells(i, "D") & " " & Sheets("Assign").Cells(i, "E")
  4. P

    Thread by DanielD has been deleted

    It's been restored now (it wasn't when I tried a few mins ago)
  5. P

    show first record per each id

    Sorry, feel free to claim a refund
  6. P

    show first record per each id

    Unless I've misinterpreted your problem, I don't see why you have used a UNION SELECT in your SQL I would use subqueries. First we need to know the earliest due date per machine, I've used Min instead of First. As it may be possible to have more than one task per due date (with the info you've...
  7. P

    how to solved Failed log on on crystal report ?

    The thing that's wrong is that you are trying to login to the database in crystal when you just have to supply the database password. I'm afraid I don't know Crystal well enough to tell you how to do this but I'm fairly confident that either using SetDatabaseLogon and/or supplying a username...
  8. P

    Move Files (Need a tweek)

    One way would be to replace FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromPath & FileExt, Destination:=ToPath with FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromPath & "FileOne.csv", Destination:=ToPath FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromPath & "FileTwo.csv", Destination:=ToPath FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromPath & "FileThree.csv"...
  9. P

    MS Access and online

    This was posted recently, It hasn't got much detail but it's a solution someone is happy with (and one I may investigate myself when I have the time)
  10. P

    Date Ranges

    Assuming the data in the linked image is in a table called Table1, the following will give you what you want for the example given. DFirst("Item","Table1","[Group]='A' AND [Date]>#11/30/2016# AND [Calc]<#11/30/2016#") Add in an equal sign where appropriate, eg what happens if a Group A item...
  11. P

    how to solved Failed log on on crystal report ?

    What password have you used in Access? Does it work if you remove this password? My initial thought is that you've password protected the Access file which is not the same thing as having a 'database login'
  12. P

    Retreiving data between some characters

    This will give you the 8 characters after edo060 if it appears in your field (change YourFieldName to whatever your field is called) IIf(InStr([YourFieldName],"ed060 ")>0,Mid([YourFieldName],InStr([YourFieldName],"ed060 ")+6,8))
  13. P

    Retreiving data between some characters

    There are many different ways to do this but it's unlikely that many would work for all of your data. Does all of the Field 1 data begin with 1234568595455 and end with 1A4S856DJKJ ? If not, how do you know which data needs to be ignored? Other examples would also be helpful
  14. P

    Query Supplier List Who Have Not Placed Order In Over 2 Years

    This will show a (possibly duplicated) list of suppliers who have a PO from before 2016, even if they have a PO from 2016 onwards Minty corrected the condition to make it over 2 years but you will also have to find out when each suppliers last order was Using a subquery, something like SELECT...
  15. P

    Query to create payment schedule

    You learn (or are reminded of) things each day. DateDiff doesn't calculate 'full' intervals so you need to remove a month if the day of the first pay date is greater than today's day eg SELECT * , DateDiff("m",[first_pay_date],Date())-IIf(Day([first_pay_date])>Day(Date()),1,0)+1 AS Payments ...
  16. P

    Arrows to indicate the changes in report

    Having different data under the same reference seems odd to me but .... How does your system know that a change has been made in the second PO? Do you record a log of the changes?
  17. P

    Services Template help

    Right click on the Quotes macro and choose 'Design View' Expand the SubMacro 'ViewQuote' Look for the line that starts "SetTempVar (tmpMyContactInfo, " and change the word Fax to Email Save Macro
  18. P

    refresh the front enq queries from the back end?

    Using an update query instead of delete/insert will certainly get rid of the #DELETED. If you want 'irrelevant' information 'removed', you can use the update query to reset it Of course, sharing backend rather than trying to maintain many local copies would probably be better all round
  19. P

    Make just the startup form visible to the users

    Does 'the leftmost slide' mean the Navigation Pane? If so, this gives you a good idea of what needs to be done
  20. P

    Update Table with Null values

    If you've done this and your update query includes this 'relation', the update should work Can you post the SQL for the update query?
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