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  1. D

    How to return both matched and unmatched

    RV, I'm scratching my head, but you're so right. I dumped the first half of the union query and got the same results. Now I'll have to see what happens if I use these results in an additional query. Thanks, Gordon
  2. D

    How to return both matched and unmatched

    Using Union Query in Another Query? Thanks for your input. I read enough about Outer Joins (rather Full Outer Joins) to learn that Access db can't perform them, only Access objects. I did read an article about Union Queries that helped me to simulate an Outer Join. So now I have an Inner...
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    How to return both matched and unmatched

    Hello Forum -- I have written a query that uses one table and one query. As you would expect, it returns records where there is a match. I want to be able to return all the records that match the records in the table AS WELL as the records from the table that have NO match in order to come up...
  4. D

    Using the Calendar once to update all records

    I apologize for double posting this item. My computer hung after I clicked the button and when I returned to post again, I went into a different section. I hadn't realized that my post was submitted twice. Very sorry. Gordon
  5. D

    Using calendar once to update all records

    OK, now it seems I'm going to have to ask about the calendar opinions. I've successfully written the SQL for the Update Query to set the date stored from the calendar form. I'm using the built-in calendar with Access 2003. Unfortunately, the first click on the selected date doesn't seem to...
  6. D

    Using calendar once to update all records

    Thanks for these reccomendations. How do I write the criteria into the Update Query to refer to the date chosen by the form with the calendar? Gordon
  7. D

    Using calendar once to update all records

    Hello, This is probably a very basic question, but I can't think how to answer it myself. I want to use the built-in calendar on a form, click it once, and set the date for ALL the records in the table because the table contains records that are part of a batch. Do I try to use the date...
  8. D

    Using the Calendar once to update all records

    Hello, This is probably a very basic question, but I can't think how to answer it myself. I want to use the built-in calendar on a form, click it once, and set the date for ALL the records in the table because the table contains records that are part of a batch. Do I try to use the date...
  9. D

    Create table method?

    Hello Accessors - I am working on a new database and am already running into a design dilemma. I welcome any and all ideas for getting past this obstacle. Please keep in mind that I'm a bit of a newbie at this so my problem may be really mundane. I have a table that lists information about...
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